Damn You Rory

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Taking one last look back at Tristan, Rory mouthed the words I'm sorry to him before turning the corner and heading back towards the house. It helped a little that Tristan had seemed unfazed by the situation but her mom was a tough nut to crack and that worried Rory. It was her main concern right up until she spied the beat-up truck that was sitting in the driveway - Dean's truck. 

Putting all thoughts of Tristan out of her mind Rory sped into the house in search of Dean and whatever knowledge he may or may not possess about what was taking place on the far side of the house between Lorelai and Tristan. 

She found  Dean sitting on the couch with Sookie and breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as Sookie saw Rory, she immediately jumped up off the couch and went to pull her over.

"You have a visitor...It's Dean," Sookie said awkwardly, gesturing towards him like Vanna White revealing a letter tile. 

"Yeah, I can see that, Sookie. Thanks," Rory answered, her eyes searching Dean's face for any signs of hurt or anger.

But he seemed fine, so she relaxed a little. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked as nonchalantly as she could manage, given the night's present circumstances. 

Dean chose this moment to stand up, his 6'4"  frame towering over Rory's. 

" We had a date, or did you forget?" 

"No, of course not. I meant, what are you doing here so early?" Rory said, doing her best to cover. 

"I'm not early, you're actually late, you said to pick you up at 7:30 pm and it's almost 8 pm." Dean replied. 

"Really? I swear we said 8:30 pm...just give me a minute, and we can get out of here," Rory promised as she went dashing out of the room to go fix her hair and get some regular clothes on. 

As soon as Rory left, Dean turned to Sookie. 

"Is it just me, or is she acting a little weird?" 

Sookie, having managed to make her way back over to the window in an attempt to keep an eye on the progression of things outside, did her best to answer him. 

"I would say on a scale of 1-5 she's maybe a 2 in the weirdness department," She volunteered. 

Instead of feeling better with Sookie's reply Dean felt even more red flags go up. 

"Ok, what aren't you telling me and what are you so interested in outside?" He asked. 

Sookie could feel the nervous sweat forming on her brow and underneath her armpits as she struggled with how to answer Dean's very blunt question. She'd never been a good liar, but right now, she wished she was or at the very least that she was anywhere else but there right now.

Outside, however, Lorelai would have given anything to change places with Sookie and be dealing with Dean. The boy in front of her was what you could call a little bit of a challenge - and it was becoming clearer and clearer by the minute that he had no regard for adult authority. 

He was a button pusher just like Rory's father, Christopher had been to Lorelai in high school, and that more than worried her, it frightened her. A bad boy button pusher was not what Rory needed in her life. 

"I don't want to have to be that Mom Tristan, but I think it's best if you just walk away from today and whatever happened here and let it go as a bad memory," Lorelai said. 

"Classic adult, you don't want to be that mom, but you're going to be. Why don't you just tell it like it is? You don't like me, which is fine because most parents don't," Tristan replied.

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