The Extra Girl

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The tension around the table was almost unbearable. For over three and a half hours now Paris and Kennedy had been at odds over almost every single thing having to do with Chilton's upcoming Valentine's Day Dance and everyone could tell that an explosion the size of Mount  Vesuvius was about to happen if the two tempers could not be kept in check.

"You are so outdated Paris! People don't want your silly paper mache decorations anymore!" Kennedy said raising her voice as she pointed her finger directly at Paris in the form of accusation.

"And a DJ? Please, this is the era of live bands, not record spinning," Kennedy finished sitting back in her chair now arms crossed in defiance.

"I swear to all that is holy Tristan if you don't get your little flavor of the month in check I am going to do something fairly drastic!" Paris responded pushing her chair out angrily as she got up from the table in her own show of defiance.

"Ladies, could we please temper this? Tristan said standing up as he glanced at his watch. "We have been debating everything from the food, to the music, to the color theme for an ungodly amount of time. I'm sure we all have better things to do today."

"I know I do," piped in Louise, who had arrived after the meeting had already started with Madeline in tow.

"Then maybe you should have gotten here on time like everyone else," Kennedy barked at her.

"Or maybe you shouldn't have come at all," Paris finished glaring at Kennedy now.

Tristan sat back now just done. This meeting was quickly spiraling out of control, and he had no idea how to reel it back in. He suspected Kennedy's 'debates' were more to dig at Paris for the no PDA rule than anything else, but he hesitated to do what it was going to take to bring her back down to a place of calm and ease... especially with Rory here.

"God you are such a b--, " Kenndy started to say.

"Okay... okay, that's enough," Tristan said breaking in before Kennedy could finish her sentence.

Decision made Tristan looked directly at Rory and mouth the words "I'm Sorry." Not sure what he was alluding to Rory just kind of gave him a blank stare back. But his next words made it all clear.

"Kennedy, can you please join me in the other room?" Tristan asked.

Paris looked at Tristan confused as did Rory, although she suspected what he might be up to and it hurt her heart in a major way.

"We'll just be a moment Paris, I promise," Tristan said taking Kennedy's hand and leading her out of the room now.

Once in the other room, Tristan turned to Kennedy. "Look, I know you are pissed at Paris because of what she said earlier this morning about PDA, but this is not the way to get what you want."

"I don't know; we're alone aren't we?" Kennedy said scooting closer to him until their bodies were touching.

"Okay, yeah we are," Tristan said a little uncomfortable now with her closeness and her free-roaming hands. "But we can't do anything here, and you know that. There are way too many people just a few steps away in the other room."

Tristan was doing his best to talk some sense into Kennedy, but she was like a wildcat cut loose now. "Kiss me."

"No," Tristan replied adamantly trying his best to stay in charge of the situation.

"Why not?" Kennedy said pouting.

"I just told you why there is a room full of people steps away," Tristan replied stepping back from her to gain some distance from her bold advances.

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