Trouble with a capital T

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Rory, took in a few deep breaths before approaching the door to her English class. She'd had two full periods to think about what had happened in the hallway outside the auditiorium with Tristan. She'd imagined all sorts of scenarios about how their next meeting, in this very English class, would go down, what her future would look like if she got into a relationship with Tristan and mostly just how different her life in Star Hollow would be if she broke up with Dean.

Everyone loved Dean, her mom, her best friend, Lane, hell even Luke liked Dean, though he would never actually break down and admit it. All the people who really mattered to her were definitely #TeamDean, well except for her grandparents, who unfortunately viewed Dean as too common and not good enough for her. It was a society thing that had been etched into both of them since birth having both been born and raised with matching silver spoons in their mouths. Rory suspected they would love Tristan or at the very least the name attached to him. 

It amazed Rory to think about how much had changed in such a short amount of time. She'd loathed Tristan from day one because of his superior, cocky attitude. She could tell that he was  intellegent and it irked her how he played so dumb with his teachers and peers to uphold the badboy image that he had perfected. 

To sum it up she had hated how he could be so priveleged yet so unappreciate of the gifts that would bring him. He'd never have to struggle and study to get into an Ivy league, they'd had a seat reserved for him since preschool, and forget about having to work a job in college to make ends meet. Hell he'd probably live in some ritzy apartment off campus. 

There was no denying that he was priveleged, titled and elite - everything she was against. 

Knowing all this should have made her decision a slam dunk, but it didn't. Her head could tell her all day to stay away from the bad boy but her heart and her body...well they we're definitley leaning in a much, much more dangerous direction. 


Startled out of her fog Rory turned to see a familiar looking boy, she didn't really know him, he hung with the popular crowd, but she knew his name was Gil and that he was one of Tristan's boys. 


"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I just, I have something for you. It's from Tristan." 

Gil took a moment to pull a folded up piece of paper out of his pant's pocket and then handed it to Rory.

"Thanks," She said taking it, a little afraid to open it. 

"No problem, gotta go or I'm going to be late to class," Gil said, taking off and leaving her standing there note in hand. 

Curious Rory undid the folded paper and began reading. 

"Mary, Well it turns out that kidnapping you yesterday may not have been such a great idea. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't change what happened yesterday or today for the world...but I've bought myself a weeks suspension since dear old dad refused to say I was home sick. Apparently he came home after I left and realized what I'd tried to pull off ( Let's just say I'm no Ferris Bueller). Headmaster "Stick up his butt" called me into his office and read me the riot act - gave me a week's suspension and I have to write an 3000 word essay on the perils of an uneducated life. In short, that's going to be the easy road for dad just may kill me or at the very least ship me off to military school...he's always threatening me with that. Not sure why I'm telling you all this except that well...I trust you. Wow, can't believe I just said that...anyway try not to miss me too much while I'm gone. "


Suspension, holy crap. Rory couldn't believe what she was reading. She'd done exactly the same thing as him, albeit not of her free will, and gotten away with it. It seemed pretty unfair. It was unfair. Whether it was an injustice or not though was it really her fault that he'd gotten caught? No, of course it wasn't...still she couldn't erase the little bit of guilt that began to nibble at the back of her mind. 

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