Tristan's Turn

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As Tristan, woke up, from his sleep, the memory of the night prior started to filter through his brain haze, bringing with it important  questions. Had Rory finally professed her need for him last night or was it all just a very vivid, spectacular dream of his mind's making? Was Dean about to be a thing of the past? 

Uncertain, Tristan sat up in bed and reached over to his nightstand for his phone, going straight to the texts. The first text he read sent his heart soaring.

"Thanks for being there for me tonight Tristan. You amaze me in so many ways and I feel so lucky to have you in my life. I guess there's no where to go but forward now. I regret nothing."

It took a few calming breaths for Tristan's heart to stop racing. Rory was finally 100% in and the thought of that was sending happy endorphins coursing through him. He wasn't a particularly chipper guy by nature, but in this moment he couldn't wipe the grin off his face.

Quickly he sent a morning text to her with the simple words Morning babe, absolutely no regrets on my end either ,and  I can't wait to see you." finishing  it up with the classic love emoji - a big red heart. The fact that their relationship had officially moved into the hearts and flowers emojis not scaring him in the least.

Tristan, really couldn't think of anything that could bring down his love high this morning as he sat down at the breakfast table with his parents.

"Morning sweetie,"his mother, Beverly said, acknowledging him.

"Morning," Tristan returned a way too easy smile coming to his face.

"How was dinner last night at the Gilmore's, Emily is always such a lovely host," Beverly said.

Tristan picked up his napkin and put it in his lap as Rosita placed a plate of eggs, bacon and toast in front of him.

"Thank you Rosita," he said, smiling at her, before turning to answer his mother.

"Dinner was great. I had an amazing time and I actually have some news to share that I'm really excited about.

Beverly  loved seeing her son happy and today he clearly was.

"What is it sweetheart?" She asked her attention, unlike his dad's who was engrossed in the morning paper, fully on him.

Tristan, could hear a faint drum roll in his head, the news inside him bursting to get out. He hesitated only a second to take in the sight of his mother happy for him and ready to celebrate whatever it was he wanted to share with her, before taking a deep breath and plunging forward.

"Rory Gilmore and I are going to start dating."

Rosita, who was standing by to make sure everything was satisfactory did her best to hide the smile that wanted to creep on to her face. Her mind thinking good for Master Tristan following his heart.

Suddenly the paper came down from Steven Dugray's face, his attention now fully on his son.

"Excuse me, but aren't you dating Kennedy Hollings?

"Yeah, but that's about to be officially over," Tristan replied his radar going off. His dad's interest in him all the sudden too foreign of a concept to process.

"I cannot stress enough that that is not the way things are going to proceed for you," Steven said his steely gaze fixed on his son.

"Excuse me?" Tristan asked confused, his apprehension growing by the minute, clearly some force was at work here that was going to threaten his free will...he could feel the imaginary hammer as it was about to come down and then CRASH, there it was...

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