Dancing on a Fault Line

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Looking out her window, Rory adjusted the strap on her dress as it casually slipped down her shoulder again.

"If you want, I can fix that for you before he gets here," Lorelai said, pushing up the wayward strap as it began its descent down again.

Rory turned to look at her mother, quickly uttering. "Thanks," before turning her attention back to the window.

"I have to go get my travel sewing kit... it's upstairs."

"Okay," Rory responded, not looking away from the window.

Chris grabbed Lorelai's hand as she started past him. "How long has she been like that?"

"You mean the zombie motif she's got going?" Lorelai wasn't in her usual sarcastic form, which worried Chris.

"Yeah, I guess that's as good a way as any to describe it."

Lorelai sighed. " About a week. She and Tristan fought right after he asked her to the school's Valentine's dance."

"A fight? What about?" Chris asked, putting on his hat of fatherly concern now.

"I wish I knew. The only time they've talked this past week was when Tristan told her he would fulfill his promise to take her to the dance if she still wanted to go." Lorelai said, headed towards the stairs now to get her sewing kit so she could fix Rory's dress.

Chris contemplated going over to talk to his daughter, but before he could, Lorelai was back downstairs with her kit and ready to do some fixing.

"This should only take a few minutes, and your dress will be good to go," Lorelai said as she tried desperately to thread her needle. "Dammit, slippery little bugger."

Finally, after a few more missed attempts, Lorelai got the thread through the needle. "Okay, let's get this party started."

"He's here. How do I look?" Rory asked, turning around right as Lorelai was heading towards the dress with her needle, which she quickly pulled back to avoid sticking her.

"You look amazing," Chris," said, coming to stand by Lorelai.

"You really do, honey. It's a stunning dress on you."

"I should get a picture," Chris said, fumbling to get his phone out of his pocket when the doorbell rang.

"Got it!" Chris said, holding up his phone to take a picture of Rory. "Say cheese."

"Really?" Lorelai said, the look on Rory's face mimicking the same thought.

"What?" Is cheese not hip anymore?" Chris questioned.

"Just get the door like a good father and read the boy the riot act about his expected behaviors tonight.

"Mom... no, please just try and play nice, okay?" Rory pleaded.

It was during the middle of this conversation that the doorbell rang again.

"Well, somebody better get it, or Tristan will think that Rory decided to go to the dance with someone else," Lorelai replied.

"On it," Chris said, heading towards the front door.

On the porch, Tristan, joined by Henry, was beginning to wonder what was happening. So it was with relief that he finally saw the front door open and Rory's dad standing there.

"Evening, Mr. Hayden. Is Rory here?"

"Yes, of course. Come in," Chris said, stepping aside to let Tristan and Henry in.

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