We're Not A Mistake

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Exiting the school's auditorium Tristan quickly spotted Rory leaning up against the wall opposite the assembly room door. She was shaking and tears were slowly rolling down her face. Tears she did her best to wipe away quickly as she saw him approaching her. 

"Please, just stay away from me," Rory said putting up her hand in a stop motion. 

A gesture which Tristan chose to ignore as he kept a consistent stride until he was standing right in front of her. In a show of utter defeat Rory slid down the wall to the ground and Tristan immediately knelt down to be beside her to make sure she heard him.

"I can leave you alone if it's what you really want...but I don't think it is," Tristan said as he gently pulled back the soft curtain of hair that had fallen in her face. He desperately wanted her to look at him, and to acknowledge the moment they were in. 

Slowly, Rory, lifted her eyes to him as Tristan began using his thumb to wipe away her escaping tears. The tenderness he was showing  was absolutely doing her in. She was sinking fast and furiously into this mesmerizing web of sensual tension that he was creating around them. 

The push and pull she was experiencing was both exciting and frightening to her at the same time. Tristan was completely breaking down her moral compass with his sultry looks and charming smile. 

She had to stay strong, she owed it to Dean.

"It doesn't matter what I want Tristan...I'm not this kind of person." 

"And what kind of person is that?" Tristan asked his curiosity peaked at where her thought process was landing. 

Rory sighed heavily. She could feel the tears welling up again and her throat constricting with the words she was about to say. Words which were total and utter lies now thanks to Tristan. 

"I'm not the kind of girl who cheats on her boyfriend." 

Tristan did his best to hold back the scoffing sound and sarcastic tone that he wanted to use. 

"Okay we both know that's no longer the case. So I'm gonna need a much better reason for the reluctance your showing me." 

"I made a mistake, a crazy, completely out of character mistake, and I fully own it - but I can't keep repeating it." 

Inching closer Tristan took Rory's face into his hands to make sure he had her full attention.

"I'm not a mistake - we're not a mistake." 

"I don't want to hurt you Tristan, but I already have a boyfriend," Rory said unable to stop her freshly renewed tears from falling. 

For a split second Tristan allowed himself to feel defeated, but he was a DuGray and he didn't know how to lose so he did the only thing he could think of to try and turn the tide in his favor. Reverse psychology. 

In a fluid movement, Tristan stood up and held his hand out to Rory. Unable to read either Tristan's intentions or his thoughts she reluctantly took it letting him help her up to a standing position. 

For a moment Rory was certain that Tristan was going to kiss her again, she even felt her body preparing itself as she unconsciously licked her lips to wet them, inviting him to come closer by inching a few steps closer to him. And for a second Tristan almost took her up on her invitation - he was no idiot he could tell when a girl was interested, but it was her very interest that encouraged him to keep backing off. He wanted her to think she was getting exactly what she wanted - what she'd asked of him. 

Purposefully he brought her into him, but after a short hug, he stepped back to address the situation.

"I think we both know that you and Dean are doomed. There's already too much between us.  You've already sampled the forbidden fruit...and the thing is... I'm not gonna chase you, Rory. I've got way too much pride for that. So, I guess this really is goodbye." 

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