Party of Two

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Leaving the party with Tristan made Rory feel a lot better. She didn't want to keep dealing with Presley and whatever her unknown agenda was. 

It was time to take back their night. And Tristan was doing that in a big way.

He had blindfolded Rory after escorting her into the nearest elevator. Her senses were on high alert, now wondering where he was leading her as they stepped off the elevator and into who knew where. 

"Ready?" Tristan asked as he came up behind her and untied the blindfold.

"Just promise me there aren't going to be a million people jumping out and screaming surprise," Rory said, only half joking. 

"Promise. It's just you and me tonight, Gilmore," Tristan replied as he pulled off her blindfold and let it drop to the floor.

It took Rory's eyes a minute to adjust, but when they did, she took a deep intake of breath in her shock at what lay before her. 

The room was massive,  and there was champagne and glasses on the table, which was also laden with an impressive array of food. She turned immediately to face Tristan.

"Is this a Penthouse?" It was a rhetorical question, but Tristan answered anyway. 

"It is," he said, taking her hand and leading her over to one of the suite's sofas. 

A part of Rory knew tonight might hold some expectations, and it thrilled and scared her. But she also knew that she was ready if this was going to be the night. Tristan had promised her that her first time would be special, and the room and all its accouterments definitely fit the bill for a night to remember. He'd thought of everything. 

Tristan opened the bottle of champagne and poured a glass for Rory and him. He could see her nerves as she quickly downed her champagne and held her glass out for more. 

"You might want to slow down on that. Nothing worse than a next-day champagne hangover."

Rory did as he said, taking a smaller sip this time. She definitely didn't want her first time to be something she did in a drunken stupor. 

Tristan knew why he'd planned this night. He'd promised Rory something great and grand for their first time together, and this scenario definitely fit the bill. 

Putting down her champagne Rory moved closer to Tristan as she surveyed the food laid out on the table and realized she was starving. 

"Mind if I grab a strawberry?" Rory asked him.

"Not at all. Have at it," he replied, and she immediately took him up on his permission reaching for and taking a bite of the fruit, the juice running down onto her chin. 

Tristan picked up a napkin and handed it to her. "You got a little something on you," he said, pointing at his own chin. 

Embarrassed, Rory quickly took the napkin and was about to wipe the juice away when Tristan stopped her.

"Here, let me get that for you," he said, moving closer to her and skillfully wiping off the juice before changing course and planting a kiss on her mouth. Deepening it with each second. Rory could feel her breath quickening. His kisses always did that to her, and because of that, she willingly kissed him back. 

Tristan ran his fingers around the back of Rory's neck, sending tingles through her as he worked to pull the pins that loosely held her hair up and, with one last final pin released, sent it cascading down her back. 

The air in the room was getting hotter and hotter for Rory, and she lost herself in him and his expertise. He had a way of sending her senses into orbit. She couldn't have said no to him at that moment if she'd tried as he pulled her up off the couch with him and began unzipping her dress. She felt her intake of breath as it dropped to the floor, and he swept her up in his arms to carry her into the bedroom. 

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