Picture This

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Authors Note: First of all, thank you to all for the 10,000 views! It's a very cool milestone to have reached. Now on to the next chapter!

"Would you like the house tour?" Tristan asked, Rory's hand still firmly grasped in his own.

Rory, took a moment to glance around the elegant front foyer. Much like her grandparent's house, it was beautiful and excessive with a large round mahogany table adorned with flowers front and center and what had to be a very expensive crystal chandelier hanging high above them.

"Sure, out of curiosity though, how many days do you think it will take?" Rory said only half joking.

"We'll just stick to the important, rooms," Tristan said a smirk on his face as he placed his arm around her waist.

"Okay then, lead the way," Rory said about ready to melt like butter at his feet due to the feelings his arm around her waist was evoking.

Tristan could feel Rory's body molding into his, and he liked that she was comfortable with him in her space. Nothing about this moment felt awkward anymore. They fit together naturally.

After several semi-boring rooms, all elaborate in detail and decoration Tristan arrived in front of a closed door.

Unlike the other doors he now issued what to Rory seemed almost like a warning...or was it challenge?

"This is my room. It doesn't exactly fit in with the rest of the house," he said while turning the knob and opening the door with a flourish.

Cautiously Rory stepped inside,  her eyes darting around trying to take it all in. Posters of his favorite bands adorned the walls along with some concert memorabilia and record album covers. After seeing all the other rooms, she knew he was right; his decor definitely didn't fit the decadent, elaborate theme of the other rooms.

It looked like a true teenage boy's room, aside from the fact that it was completely dust free, which Rory attributed to the fact that they had a maid.

"Guess there wasn't any room for the scantily clad women posters," Rory said jokingly.

"Not necessarily Tristan said, a small grin on his face, as he opened his closet door to expose a picture of a girl in a bikini leaning against a red Lamborghini.

"Excellent, my illusion of you as an oversexed bad boy has not been shattered," Rory said with a slight laugh.

"Then my job here is done," Tristan said shutting the closet door once more and walking over to Rory to take her into his arms.

"So tell me...is that my appeal - you view me as a bad boy?" Tristan asked as pushed her hair back so he could lightly kiss her neck, an action that sent her senses reeling.

A part of Rory wanted to step back sensing she might be in a bit of unsafe territory, but she couldn't will her body to follow what her head was trying to tell her. Tristan's warm breath on her neck felt so intoxicating that she was afraid to do anything to make that feeling end.

"Who said I find you appealing?" Rory said her voice barely above a whisper as she fought to gain control again, as his sex appeal was undoing her will to push him away. Instead, she found herself drawing closer to him as she anticipated the rush of feeling his lips when they finally met with hers, would cause.

Amused Tristan stepped back letting his arms drop from around her waist. "Well, then I guess we should just continue with the house tour if you find me so unappealing."

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