"Thanks again!"

I smile, walking off with a good feeling inside. In the process of walking off I accidentally bump into one of the waiters. Causing him to drop one of the glasses he was holding.

"Darius are you serious?" He exclaimed, and I instantly felt...the feeling from elementary school.

I may be a big guy, but I don't abuse that power. I'm actually kind of afraid of confrontation and I allow people to push me around. Since I'm such a big guy the smallest thing I do can be misinterpreted into something major.

So here, in this club, I am treated horribly.

"You fucking freak of nature, you are always in the damn way."

"I apologize, I'll clean it up if you want-."

"Of course you will clean it up! You bumped into me, not the other way around. So have fun with that." He hissed, walking around me as I cleared my throat. Knowing there was eyes on me, I didn't want to make it obvious that I was a little bothered.

I let myself get thrown around, but in the process I make myself look weak. I can admit that I am weak. Physically, I have an advantage over others. Mentally, I'm a little weak.

But in front of others I like to hide that. Don't want people to be burdened by my own issues that I can easily solve myself. What if it's just me who feels that way? Then it really won't make sense to others and really be a bother.

Rushing over to a caution sign for the wet floor, I put it down in that spot. Going to the mop and bring it over. Except when I got there I found the women that I served cleaning it up for me.

"You two don't have to do that, please." I beg almost, propping the mop against a chair. Trying to stop them they continued to clean it gladly, the lady with green eyes standing.

Confused as she took out her wallet, she pulled out two bills. Handing them to me I already saw that it was two hundred dollar bills.

"I can't take those."

"Yes you can. You deserve to work in a better place than this. Have people respect you because you're worth it."

I flinch, a smile instantly coming to my face.

Those words...'you're worth it'...

"I appreciate those words ma'am...are you sure you want me to take-."

Suddenly the bills were shoved at my chest, causing me to catch them before they fell to the ground. Her smiling at me she went back to her table as the mess was completely gone.

I was truly startled by how kind she was to me. I don't get kindness like that a lot, but that touched my heart.

Walking away from that area I went to put up the mop, rounding the corner to see the person I bumped into right there. Glaring at me and it didn't help he had our boss right beside him.

"What's the meaning of this?" My boss asks, pointing at my hand as I held my tip - I guess.

"Two - two kind ladies gave me this tip-."

"Two hundred dollars? Sir, he's threatening the guests for their money. Even causing commotion and is so clumsy." He explained to him, my mouth opening to defend myself until my boss stopped me.

I already knew what was going to happen because this happens on a daily basis. The lies he's telling right now are ridiculous...

"Darius, I have gotten way to much complaints from your companions that you have this destructive behavior. Is it true that you are threatening guests for their money?"

Transcendent Thirst Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant