Chapter 16 - We got this... But maybe we don't

Start from the beginning

But first I have to stick to plan A, and if that doesn't work then, and only then will we move onto plan B, but I'm hoping plan A would work because then I wouldn't have to make up so many excuse to him as to why she has to go. His so damn clever and very observant, that he would figure it out and then my main plan, the one I had when I decided to come to New York, will go to shit! And that I cannot have, so I have to be careful from now on, I have to play my cards right because I cannot lose him and I definitely WON'T lose Dante either!

For now I will lay low, I will play the best friend like I always did back then and win Dante's trust back which I know won't take long because he does love me, he always has, even if it isn't the way I want him too but I know exactly how to do that, I know how she got to him and that's exactly how I will get to him too, he just has to provide me with the perfect opportunity, then I will proceed with plan A and then Dante will be mine and then and only then, will I finish what I started months ago, then my main objective would have been completed, then Dante and I can live happily ever after. But for that to happen, SHE HAS GOT TO GO!!!!

 But for that to happen, SHE HAS GOT TO GO!!!!

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Aurora's POV

Waking up with sun streaming through the windows, I couldn't help but smile. Normally I would be pissed if I was woken up early because of the sun or chirping birds as I am not a morning person but right now, I feel like I'm on top of the world because here I am laying in the arms of the man I love. His got me wrapped in his arms, I can hear his heartbeat as I'm laying on his chest, I can feel his slow and steady breaths on my skin as his nuzzled his face on my shoulder, my leg is wrapped up between his two legs, let's just say I'm practically laying on top of him. This is probably the best feeling in the world, laying naked in each others arms, not worried about the world outside this room because right now, it's just me and him, nothing and no one else exists.

I can't or don't want to even think about what is going to happen next for us because I am not under any illusion to believe that we are now indeed official, even though last night he showed me exactly how much he loved and adored me, I know there is still that one little problem that's just waiting for her chance to claim him. I know he loves me but I can't help but to worry because she isn't as innocent as she makes him believe, so I know she will play dirty and if she gets the opportunity to seduce him, then she might just get it right because no matter how I feel about her or they're closeness, he does love her too. She's known him for so many years, how can I compete with that?

Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt Dante's love for me but technically he is single and he does love her too and if she is as manipulative as I know she is, she will use their friendship and Dante's love and good heart to work her way into his bed as I believe she does have a part of his heart, even if it isn't the kind of love she really wants from him, she will use it nonetheless and take what she believes is hers.

I just wish I could make him see who she really is before she manipulates him or hurt him, even though I would do anything and everything in my power to prevent that from happening. And will try and get the evidence I need starting today! Putting that thought out if my mind for now at least, I placed a kiss on Dante's chest and tried to move out of his arms so I can surprise him with breakfast in bed but it's turning out to be a lot harder to slid out if his death grip. The more I try, the tighter he holds me!

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