Dances And Fistfights

Start from the beginning

"Ya scared!" I looked at him with big eyes. "That's why you asked me instead o' yer friends! Ya don't want 'em ta find out 'bout yer assumption!"

"Of course I don't! I don't wanna let the whole damn city of Gotham think that he might be alive, that'd cause chaos!" He explained and I felt a strange feeling sending goosebumps down my back at his last word.

"Ch-Chaos?" I crooked my head, feeling a smile growing so big, it hurt my lips and made them bleed. My mind got blurry and everything I saw was Batman's mask in front of my face. That sudden hate. And these dark, crazy thoughts.

A final ear-to-ear grin on my face, I widened my eyes. 'Chaos...!' Something about this word just made me snap and I jumped down the stairwell. "Yesss, chaosss!" What was wrong with my voice? But I felt like I wasn't myself right now, anyways, so who cared?

I let the crowbar from my sleeve slide in my left hand, laughing as it almost smashed Batman's jaw if he wouldn't have dodged it.

"Black Seven, calm down!" He yelled and I grinned at him, playing with a card in my pocket.

"Who the hell are you calling Black Seven?" I smiled bright and tossed the crowbar from one hand to the other while I couldn't stop laughing. "I'm crushed you don't remember me, ol' friend."

Batman looked up and down my face, then widened his eyes. "No! That can't be!" I nodded and jumped from the left side to the right. "Sure, if you say so, Batsy!" I suddenly leaped forward, punching him in the face and threw him back.

"Honestly, you used to be faster!" I laughed manically and played with the crowbar. "Missed our lil dances, woo-hahahaha!" Almost crying of laughter, I repeatedly tried to hit him with the crowbar but he dodged every attempt of me to do so.

"I gotta admit, this body is quite awesome, still, I prefer my own. Blacky isn't quite as fast, hehehe!" I jumped back as Batman tried to punch me.

He quickly threw a batarang with a rope at my legs but I let a knife from my right sleeve slide in my hand and cut it before it tightened up.

"Tsk tsk tsk. What a weak move of yours." I giggled and wobbled from one side to the other while shaking my head and grinning with the crowbar pointing at Batman who just stood there, staring at me as if he was made of stone.

"Anyways, I need to go now, but I enjoyed this meeting with you!" My hands started to shake as well as my head and I felt that weird pain in my skull again. "I have things to do and this state doesn't last for ever. Ssssso, wish you a nice evening, Batsss!"

Feeling as if my guts were sucked into my body, I dropped the crowbar and the knife, then covered my eyes with my hands. "Damn, that was some rad shit!" I sighed and had to sit down to pull myself together.

"Tell me about it!" Batman sounded and looked like he was mentally some place else.

"Not da fightin', dumbass." I slowly stood up, trying to comprehend what I felt. "I'm speakin' 'bout them thoughts an' emotions I had." I ran my hand through my hairs and looked at him. "Sorry for' tryna killin' ya, bat-brain. Wasn't on purpose." I really wanted to know what the hell made me go crazy like that.

Batman kept staring at a spot somewhere far behind me but I didn't bother checking on it. "It wasn't you. That was the Joker. I was right. He's still alive. And at least some part of him is still inside you." Batman slowly walked towards the front door with this look of helplessness.

"Whatcha gon' do about it, B-Man?" I asked, not really interested in the answer but trying to get my mind off the moments I went through.

The Batman turned around to me, his eyes looked like he wanted to scream through them. "I'm not Batman anymore." He whispered and I crooked my head in confusion.

"No more Batman. I'm not doing anything anymore. I'm done."

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