I couldn't wait any longer I started running toward her but she was faster she jumped into my arms wrapping her legs around my waist, burying her face in the crook of my neck, and wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me close. 

I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer as I hid my face in her shoulder. My tears were falling onto her shoulder soaking her sleeve but I felt her doing the same to my shirt with all her tears. We didn't care, we just wanted to be in each other's arms.

"I missed you so much. I-how are you here?" she stuttered, whispering in my ear, with her face still buried in the crook of my neck. "I-i don't know. I saw you in my dream and then you disappeared and when I woke up your dad and I were standing outside this house." I stuttered, whispering back choking back tears. As I spoke she pulled her head out of the crook of my neck but I was still holding her. Her legs and arms remained wrapped around my body. She didn't say anything all she did was pull me into a kiss. I missed her so much. We pulled away from the kiss and stared into each other's eyes.

"I missed you so much Y/n" I said "I missed you too Peter" "I love you with all my heart Stark" "And I love you with all my heart Parker

I saw that it finally dawned on her from what I had said. I mentioned her dad being here, and she finally realized I said that. "You said you woke up and was standing outside this house with my dad?" She asked with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "yeah he missed you Y/n. For 2 and a half weeks I wouldn't leave my room or talk to anyone. When I finally decided to leave my room and go tell him you were still alive F.R.I.D.A.Y told me he was sitting outside of my room crying and talking to himself. His exact words were 'I lose my daughter, and then I lose the kid I have always thought of as a son. I lost them both, and I couldn't do anything about it. Ugh if only I could have done something, I would still have my favorite kids here now. Ones gone... and the other won't leave their room. One can't eat, one won't eat. I just I don't know what to do' when I walked out of my room he stood up and gave me the longest hug ever and continued crying. He was a mess without you y/n. He missed you, go see him." I explained what had happened to him.

I set Y/n down as I spoke, once I was finished she gave me a quick kiss and ran to open the door. I walked over to the door and saw Tony open up his arms waiting for a hug as the tears started streaming down his face. Y/n sprinted over to him and gave him a long lasting hug. I could tell Y/n was sobbing into his chest. "I was a mess without you. Y/n I missed you so much." I heard Tony tell Y/n, I saw her nod as she was choking back sobs.

Y/n's POV

I am so glad I have Peter and dad back. I'm not alone anymore. Now I have to introduce them to Robert and Tom. "Guy's I'm going to have to introduce you to Robert and Tom, they already know the situation I'm in now we can explain that you are here too" I said with the brightest smile on my face.

I saw Peter frown at the mention of Tom's name but then try to cover it up with a fake smile. He gets jealous and I find it very cute. "Peter." I said "Hmm?" He said making I contact with me "I love you" I said with a small smile on my face. I saw a real smile grow on Peter's face as he stood up and came and pulled me into a hug. his arms were around my neck, and his chin rested on the top of my head. I rest my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his torso. "Y/n." He mocked me "Hmm?" I mocked him "I love you too." I smiled.

I saw my dad sitting in front of us watching this whole thing with a huge smile on his face.I am so lucky to have them in my life.

*10 minute time skip*

I remembered I am meeting both Robert and Tom today for lunch. I can just bring Peter and dad with to meet them then. I t was 10 am, and we were meeting at 11:30 am. "Dad, Peter, get ready we are going to lunch with Tom and Robert today!" I yelled from downstairs, thinking my dad and Peter were upstairs. I was right about my dad being upstairs. Peter snuck up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Do we have to go? I already don't like this Tom guy." Peter whined. "You're so cute when you're jealous." I said looking at him. "*gasp* I am not jealous... Okay maybe a little,,, Okay maybe a lot. Damn it I can't look into your eyes they're my weakness." He whispered the last part to himself but I could still here him since he was still resting his chin on my shoulder. I giggled and turned around intertwining my fingers around his neck as he did the same around my waist.

I rest my forehead against his "There is no need to be jealous Pete. I'm all yours." I said looking in his eyes. "I know but what if you realize he's better than me" He said staring back into my eyes. I lightly smile "How could he possibly be better than you Pete?" I asked. "I don't know, maybe he's not a nerd or a dork." He said. "I can tell you he is not a nerd but he is a dork, want to know the difference between you and him that makes you better?" I asked with a smile still strapped on my face. "Sure" Peter said closing his eyes as he smiled. "One you're a nerd. Two you're a dork. Three your my nerd. Four your my dork. Five I'm your nerd. And six I'm your dork." I said as  I closed my eyes too. "I love you" Peter said "And I love you." I said.

"Okay let's go" Dad said walking down the stairs. "Oh did I interrupt something?" My dad asked with a smirk on his face "Yes, yes you did. You interrupted a very romantic moment." Peter said wrapping his arms around my neck resting his chin on my head, as I wrapped my arms around his torso resting my head on his chest giggling. I lightly chuckled too.

"Anyways let's get going" Dad said, ruining the moment again. "Fine" Peter and I said in unison.

Things really are starting to look up...

Or so I thought.

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