Oh my god...(6)

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Peter lifted up my chin so I was looking him in the eye, and wiped the tears away. "Hey, it's okay."He said and then he pulled me into a hug, and we just sat there. Peter Parker and Y/n Stark, on the top of a roof, in each other's arms.

Back to the story.

Y/n's POV

Not gonna lie, it felt nice laying in Peter's arms, on this roof. It felt... I don't know... It feels right, and I don't know how that works because he is the first person I have met other than the avengers. 

It was getting late but I didn't want to leave Peter. I liked being around him, and maybe that's because I just met him, I just didn't want to leave him. "Hey Peter..." I trailed off as I laid in his arms "Hmm?" He hummed in response looking down at me as I looked up at him. "do we have to leave each other?" I asked as I looked back down hiding my bright red cheeks. "I-i mean, i don't k-know about you, but I don't really w-want to... l-leave you." He stuttered. God I was he so adora.. Wait. Did he just say he doesn't want to leave me? I blushed even more, I could feel all the heat rising to my cheeks. 

"God she's adorable" I heard Peter whisper, but I don't think I was suppose to hear that. I did though and it put a huge smile on my face. "You are very adorable yourself Peter." I whispered back "Y-you heard t-that?" He stuttered again. "Yes I did" I said smiling up at him, he smiled back down at me. "Y/n it's getting late.. We should probably get going." He said sadly "I-I don't want t-to leave you." I said stuttering. Jesus, what is this boy doing to me. Starks never stutter. Or blush. Oh my god.. I have a major crush on Peter Parker.

Peter's POV

Wow. She was adorable and I just met her and she is my bosses daughter AND I already told her who I am like my secret identity, I DIDN'T EVEN TELL NED HE FOUND OUT. She looked so peaceful laying in my arms on the roof. I didn't want it to ever end. It was getting late but I didn't care. Having her in my arms, it felt right. We were just laying on the roof her in my arms watching the stars until she  broke the silence. "Hey Peter..." She trailed off as she looked up at me and I looked down at her. "Hmm?" I hummed in response. "Do we have to leave each other>" She asked I smiled. She is so adorable. "I-i mean, i don't k-know about you, but I don't really w-want to... l-leave you." I stuttered, god I probably sound like an idiot stuttering so much. She was blushing, I could tell, she looked back at the stars to try and hide it but it wasn't working. "God she's adorable" SHIT. I wasn't suppose to say that, AND she heard it. I could tell she did because she started blushing and smiled then she spoke. "You are very adorable yourself Peter." I decided to play dumb for some reason and said "Y-you heard t-that?" slightly stuttering. "Yes I did" She said, quite confidently I might add. I smiled at her and she smiled up at me, she is gorgeous. "Y/n it's getting late.. We should probably get going." I said sadly. I didn't want to leave her. "I-I don't want t-to leave you." She stuttered. Lordy she is so adorable. What is she doing to me. I have never felt this way about anyone, not even Liz. Oh my god... I have a major crush on Y/n Stark.

{A/n: Sorry if this chapter sucks. I started writing it at midnight, and couldn't really think straight because I was tired, so yeah. I hope you guys liked it. I tried to make it more uwu worthy I guess, haha. So yeah I hope you liked it. Once again I tried to make it more cute, adorable, and "romantic". Okay bye now.}

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