Are you crying? Pt. 2 (11)

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(Y/n's POV)

"Peter. He umm kinda sorta asked me to be his girlfriend, and I kinda sorta maybe said yes." I said looking down at the ground expecting my dad to lash out on me but he never did instead he yelled for Peter to come back in.

When Peter was walking in I could tell he was nervous. Not gonna lie I was too.

Peter walked over and stood next to me.

"I approve" Were the two words I heard come out of my dads mouth. I looked at my dad and then at Peter and jumped into Peter's arms I was so happy. Peter spun me around in his arm. I could have sworn I saw my dad shed a tear as he was smiling when he saw how happy we were.

"Dad are you crying?" I asked as Peter set me down. "What? Oh uhm.. no there is just something in my eye..." He tried to cover up the fact that he was crying but I wasn't having it. "Okay fine. I am but it's because just from one day I see how happy he makes you and it makes me happy to see you both happy." I smiled at him and went to give him a hug. After I pulled away from the hug. Dad mode activated. "You hurt her, I will kill you. I'm iron man" My dad said pointing at Peter and then towards himself. "Chill dad" I said chuckling a bit.

My dad then left the room and I laid in Peter's arms on my bed as we watched camp rock. Soon enough I started drifting off to sleep laying in his arms.

Best. Birthday. Ever.

Back to the story.

Peter POV


 I look over to see the anger in Mr. Starks eyes.

He's definitely gonna take the suit away. Ughhh why do you always have to screw things up Peter Parker. "Dad cal-" Y/n tried to tell Mr. Stark to calm down but Mr.Stark interupted her before she could even finish her sentence. "No. Don't. I was down stairs and I heard you yelling Y/n so I decided to come check up on you and say goodnight. But instead of opening up the door and finding you in bed asleep I find you kissing Peter fucking Parker!" Mr. Stark yelled losing his cool. 

"I am not going to calm down when I just walked into my daughters room seeing her kiss a boy when she shouldn't even know him in the first place, and you, I can-" Mr. Stark started ranting. Honestly heard him say that kind of hurt to here but I knew he was just angry and didn't mean it. But before he could say "I'm gonna need the suit back" Y/n cut him off. 

"No dad knock it off. You don't get to say anything right now. It's my turn to talk. Today was my 16th birthday. Wanna know why I left the house this morning without contacting you the rest of the day? That's because I needed a break from this, from all of it. I am tired of being locked away in this tower all the time. I have no friends. Zero. I don't have anyone my age to talk to. Yeah I have the avengers but they are like my family. I am tired of it dad. I don't even exist. No one knows I'm alive. Sometimes I start to believe that the reason you don't want me to leave is because you are ashamed to have me as a daughter. But as you always put it 'it's for my safety' I can protect myself. As for what happened when I went out. I was walking around the city and came across Midtown school of science. I went up to the roof and after a couple minutes of looking at the view Spiderman showed up. He. Was. Hurt. and the only way I could help was if he took off his mask. So before you go yelling at Peter telling him you need the suit back he didn't do anything wrong. The reason he is here now is because we wanted to get to know each other. He is the first person MY AGE I have gotten to hang out with. I met him today and he already makes me so happy. SO DON'T YOU DARE come in her yelling at me and Peter because you have no right to do so" As Y/n spoke her voice would crack and she was tearing up. Once she finished yelling at her dad I noticed she was crying so much. I just met her today but that doesn't change the fact that she is now my girlfriend and I hate seeing her like this. Broken. I stood up off of her bed and pulled her into a hug. I didn't care if she ruin my shirt I needed to be there for and that's exactly what I did.

"Uhm... Peter can I have a minute alone with my daughter?" Mr. Stark asked. "Y-yeah sure. I'll just be in the hallway" I stuttered but before I walked out into the hallway I whispered into Y/n's ear "Hey it will be okay" and then I left the room.

{5 minute time skip}

I was sitting in the hallway when I heard Mr. Stark yell for me to come back into the room.  I walked in nervously because I didn't know what was going to happen. I walked over to Y/n and subtly wrapped my arm around her waist. I saw her lightly smile as I did so. One word: cute.

We just stood there in silence until Mr. Stark spoke 2 words that made me the happiest person alive. "I approve" I looked up at Mr. Stark and then towards Y/n she had the brightest smile ever. She jumped into my arms and I spun her around with the biggest smile on my face. Once I set her down = she noticed something I did not and pointed it out "Dad are you crying?" She asked, I turned towards Mr. Stark and sure enough he had tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes. MR. STARK IS CRYING!!! 

"What? Oh uhm.. no there is just something in my eye..." He tried to cover it up but it was obvious he was crying. Soon enough he gave in a spoke the truth "Okay fine. I am but it's because just from one day I see how happy he makes you and it makes me happy to see you both happy." Y/n went over and gave her dad a hug as they both smiled. Finally Y/n pulled away. Uh-Oh. Dad mode activated. "You hurt her, I will kill you. I'm iron man"Mr. Stark said pointing at me and then towards himself. "Chill dad" Y/n said chuckling but honestly I was quite scared. Mr. Stark is very intimidating.

Once Tony left the room Y/n and I laid down on her bed watching camp rock 2. Slowly we both started to drift off to sleep. There we were Y/n Stark laying the arms of Spider-man.

Best. Day. Ever.

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