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A/n: Okay I'm sorry I realize I just keep hitting y'all with sad chapters I'm pretty sure this is the 4th time. But trust me I am crying as I write these so if you are crying while you read this you're not alone don't worry ;) Okay now back to the story.


Peter's POV

"I love you" I whispered into her ear as I buried my face into her neck. "I love you too" She whispered back. "I always have" we both whisper to each other at the same time. I lightly smile into her neck and I feel her smile into my neck. I can't lose her. I won't. She WILL come back to me. I know it.

Y/n's POV

I hate the fact that any moment I could just "die" and leave everyone I love with out a choice. Breaking all their hearts, and mine. I've never been without my dad. It's always been him and I against the world. Sooner or later it's just going to be me, saving the world. Alone. As for Peter, ever since I met him that night, that perfect Monday night, it's been Peter and I against the world, of course with my da tagging along. God I'm going to miss them.

It's been 2 and a half weeks since I passed out. Last night I had a dream, I was back in that room with... myself. She told me that my time is coming soon and...

*the dream*

 What the hell? Why am I back here? "You're back here because I have news" I said, well she said to me. It's like she is reading my mind. "I'm not reading your mind, I am you, I know what you're thinking because we are the same person. Anyways I have news. You will have to say goodbye soon." "No." I whispered. I can't it's too soon. "You will 'die' tomorrow. You're systems will start failing and once you 'die' you will disappear and then will wake up in a new world the 'Real World' When you do, you will be there for a year. You need to go to the avengers infinity war premier next year. After the movie ends, you need to find Stan Lee and once you do you need to make a wish to come back here. The whole universe is depending on you. Once you're systems start to fail no one will remember that you aren't actually dead. Even though you told them you are going to die but still be alive in another universe they wont remember that happening, once your systems start failing that memory is wiped from their brains, even if you tell them again today that today is the day you are going to die they wont remember. I'm sorry"

*back to reality*

Today is the day I am suppose to die. I need to tell them, even if they won't remember my dad and Peter both deserve to know.

I woke up at 8:30 am on a Saturday morning, otherwise known as today. I could feel the tears staining my cheeks from my dream. I decided to get up and get ready, even if it's no use. Once I was done getting ready I decided to look for my dad and Peter since Peter slept over last night but wasn't in bed when I woke up. "F.R.I.D.A.Y where is my dad and Peter?" I asked my dads AI. "Both of them are in your fathers lab Miss Stark" The AI responded. "F.R.I.D.A.Y you can call me Y/n. What are they doing in my dads lab anyways?" I asked once again. "Sorry Y/n it''s in my programming. It seems that they both have been in the lab since 3 in the morning trying to find a way to save you" "WHAT?! 3 in the morning?! Oh my thor" I hate that they have been up so early trying to find a way to get me to stay even though there is no way It's breaking my heart even more knowing I leave them today. "It appears so." F.R.I.D.A.Y said in response to my little freak out. 

I made my way down to my dads lab. Once I got there I opened the door. The tears already making my vision blurry. Peter and dad heard me open the door so they came over to me. Once Peter had seen that I was about to cry he ran over to me and pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his shoulder as the tears started to fall. Hugging him just made it harder for me to tell them I 'die' today. "Y/n what's wrong?" Peter finally asks. "I... I uhh. I have to tell you both something..." I said with a pause. I pulled out of the hug and looked at both Peter and my dad. They already knew they weren't going to like this. "What is it?" Dad asked with a soft tone of voice. 

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