Spider-man (3)

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Y/n's POV

(Btw it is still y/n's birthday)

"Spider-man?" I say as more of a question rather than a statement. "HeLlOoOo" He said. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you. I just saw you sitting on the roof while I was passing by and I just wanted to make sure everything was okay." He quickly explained himself. "It's okay. I don't mind..." I replied softly and went to go sit back down. I heard him start to walk towards me but then he groaned in pain. "Woah everything okay?" I said while quickly standing and jogging to his side to help him. "Yeah I was just fighting this guy and now I have a big gash on my side." He responded. "Wow. Here let me help you." I said helping him sit down. "No no no it's okay" He said trying to convince me to leave him be but it wasn't working. "No. It's not okay, you're hurt let me help you. Please." There was a moment of silence I'm guessing he was thinking about it until finally he spoke. "Fine... Thank you."  He said softly. "Of course... Now how am I gonna get to the wound?" I  thought out loud, I was looking at his suit trying to figure out a way where I could help him without him having to reveal his identity. "...Take off my mask..." He said softly while looking at me. "But... Your ident-" He cut me off before I could finish my sentence. "It's okay. Just promise you won't tell anyone who I am?.." He asked. "It's not like I can tell anyone I don't know anyone besides the avengers" I muttered, a little too loudly. "What?!" he asked with a hint of excitement in his voice but also some sadness, probably at the fact that I don't have any friends. "Here after I help you out, I will tell you my secret since you're revealing your identity to me... Some girl you just met." I said, making a deal. "Okay... but your n-not just s-some girl.." He muttered but I acted like I didn't hear the last part when in reality I did... I felt the heat rushing to my cheeks so I looked down as I blushed heavily. But then soon started to pull off Spider-man's mask  so that way he didn't notice.

Wow. He. Is... Wow.

Peter's POV

I was just swinging around the city of queens when I saw a girl who looked about my age sitting on the edge of the school's roof. I decided to go see if everything was all right, from where I was I didn't notice her. She might be new in town. Once I landed on the roof there was a quiet thud as my feet hit the floor. The girl was startled and jumped off the edge towards me. "Spider-man?" She said as more of a question rather than a statement. I kind of just froze for a second taken aback by her beauty, but then quickly came back to reality realizing I need to say something, and fast. "HelLoOoO" I awkwardly said. Face palming on the inside "Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you. I just saw you sitting on the roof while I was passing by and I just wanted to make sure everything was okay." I said quickly after trying to explain myself. "It's okay. I don't mind..." She said in a soft voice. She was so cute, and I just met her. She went to go sit back down and I quickly tried to follow just to make sure everything was okay. But I quickly stopped moving as I groaned in pain. The girl had quickly turned around "Woah everything okay?" She asked while running over to me quickly with worry in her voice.  "Yeah I was just fighting this guy and now I have a big gash on my side." I said trying to stay calm, even though it hurt a lot. A lot more than normal. "Wow. Here let me help you." She said. "No no no it's okay" I said even though I wanted her to help me I just didn't want to have to reveal my identiy even though she doesn't know me, Mr. Stark would kill me if someone else after Ned found out. "No. It's not okay, you're hurt let me help you. Please." She said with plead in her tone. I finally decided to give in because I knew she wouldn't give up. So I said "Fine... Thank you" I said with a sigh of relief. "Of course... Now how am I gonna get to the wound?" She muttered the second part, I'm guessing she was talking to herself but I heard her. I am assuming she was trying to figure out how to get to the wound without me having to reveal my identity which was very nice, but there wasn't a way for her to get to the cut without taking off my mask, I knew that, and I am pretty sure she did too but didn't want to admit it. "...Take off my mask..." I said softly knowing she would give in eventually. She looked at me confused and shocked from what I said. "But... Your ident-" I cut her off before she could finish because I knew what she was going to say 'But what about your identity' that's what I would have said too.  "It's okay. Just promise you won't tell anyone who I am?.." I said as more of a statement rather than a question. "It's not like I can tell anyone I don't know anyone besides the avengers" She muttered, a little too loudly because I heard every word. "What?!" I yelled with a hint of excitement in my voice, she knows the avengers?! Wait. How does she know the avengers?... "Here after I help you out, I will tell you my secret since you're revealing your identity to me... Some girl you just met." Welp at least I will get an explanation. But she isn't just some girl. "Okay... but your n-not just s-some girl.." I stuttered nervously. I could tell she was acting like she didn't hear me, but it showed that she did because she was blushing like crazy. It made me smile. She was adorable. She looked down and then pulled off my mask I'm guessing to cover up how much she was blushing.

Let me just say, she is even more beautiful from what I could see with the mask. 

Wow. She. Is... Wow.

{A/n Hope you liked it. Comment what you want to happen in the next chapter and what it should be called. Kind of have a little bit of writer's block. So help me out. :)}

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