Part seventeen

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A/N: For itsjustfanacc who needed an update asap! 😂


Three weeks later

Jade and I had fallen into a steady rhythm during our time promoting Woman Like Me, during the day we were Jade and Perrie, members of little mix and best friends. Once we were alone though, we were Jade and Perrie, friends with benefits, who couldn't keep their hands to themselves. Jade seemed quite adept at juggling the two, I, on the other hand had to constantly remember to keep myself in check.

We were currently in London on our way to the studio to record the song we had written in Marbella, 'Told you So'. I sat beside Jade, absentmindedly running my nails against her exposed thigh, loving the shivers it was eliciting.

"That feels nice babe" she murmured into my ear, placing a small kiss under it as she did. I smiled before looking up and catching Jesy's eye in the rear view mirror.

I had a sinking feeling that Jesy knew there was something going on with Jade and I but thank god she didn't push the issue. I had felt a definite weight lifted since I had told the girls about being bi, in-fact they had taken it so well that it spurred me on tell my mum and Ellie too. Strangely, no one seemed overly surprised by the confession.

As we pulled up to the studio we could see several paps lined up outside.

"Okay ladies" Sam called "just head down and straight in, we haven't got time for messing today"

I rolled my eyes at that, you'd swear we loved being paped. I grabbed a hold of Jade's hand and laced our fingers together. She looked down and gave my hand a quick squeeze. The minute we opened the door, bright flashes started to go off, I brought my free hand up to shield my eyes as we pushed towards the door of the studio.

"Perrie, Perrie"

"Look this way ladies"

"Jade any truth to the rumor your engaged"

I pulled Jade through the door with me and took a steadying breath. I hated the paps, they always left me with a feeling of anxiety that I was never able to shake for the rest of the day. I followed the girls into our studio for the day. The recording booth was behind a glass panel, in the room itself there was several couches and chairs for us to relax in and a table filled with snacks and water. Usually I would make a bee line for that, but lately I hadn't been eating a whole lot. I was trying not to read too much into it but I suspected it was my minds way of gaining some sort of control over my life since cutting was out of the question now that I found myself naked a whole lot more than usual.

"Jeez Pez I'm surprised you've haven't demolished the snacks yet" Leigh-Anne teased, Jade joined in giggling.

" I'm feeling generous today" I joked "You guys can get a chance first". I sat down on the couch, feeling Jesy's eyes on me. I knew I wouldn't be able to get away with hiding things from Jesy for much longer- she knew me too well.

Jade joined me on the couch, crawling into my lap and turning her back to the girls. I looked down at her surprised, usually we didn't act like this infront of other people. Looking down was a terrible idea, Jade was wearing a low cut purple dress that had a large slit up the side, exposing most of her thigh. I buried my face into her neck.

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