Part nine

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A/N: Hope your all enjoying the story. I didn't think I would have this update finished this quickly but Anevon gave me the push I needed!


It turns out plans are difficult to execute when you're seeing double. In my defense, 50% of the plan was going perfectly, I was wasted, Jade however had been sipping on a ginger ale all night.

"Commmmee to the bar peezzzaaa" Leigh slurred at me while make grabby hands. I stumbled to my feet, "seriously girls" I heard Jesy mutter as we bumped into the table, making our drinks spill.

"Let's gooo lee lee" I took her hand as we made our way towards the vip bar. I plonked myself down on a bar stool and looked back over at the table where Jesy and Jade remained while Leigh-Anne ordered more drinks. Their heads were bent close together and they both had wide smiles on their faces. As I stared Jade threw her head back in laughter, clapping her hands in delight at something the older girl had  said. I wish Jade would tell me what's wrong, then maybe I could be over there making her laugh like that.

I sighed loudly. "What's wrong Pez" Leigh wrapped her arms around my shoulders and I lent into her touch.

"I'm so alone" I murmured. Jesus, I really must be drunk. Leigh gave me a sloppy kiss on the cheek, "You're never alone, you always have your sisters" she smiled at me.

"I bloody love you Leigh" I laughed as our drinks were placed in front of us. The barman took one look at us and tried to stifle a laugh too.

"Need a hand bringing the drinks to your table ladies?" We both nodded and stood up giggling to head back to the girls.

"I hope I'm not out of line, but you're really beautiful" I waited to hear what Leigh-Anne was going to say back to the barman, when there was only silence I looked up, surprised to see him looking directly at me.

"Oh" I blushed "Um, thank you" I tucked some of my hair behind my ear and looked nervously towards Jade. I didn't want her to think I was flirting with him. Why? A voice in my head picked up, it's not like she's taken any notice of you all night.

I reached out to grab onto Leigh's hand, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. Leigh shot me a grin and pulled me into the booth beside her.

"Well, here's your drinks ladies. If you need anything, anything at all" he looked at me and winked "just let me know, my names Klaus"

The minute her turned away Jes and Leigh burst out laughing and started to tease me.

"Oh Pezza, found yourself a little German lover I see"Jesy teased while reaching around Leigh to pinch at my cheeks. I slapped away her hands, blushing.

"Stop girls, leave me alone" I whined, while trying to cover my face with my hands.

"Seriously though Pez, how long has it been, maybe you should ask him for a quick tour around Berlin" Leigh said winking at me. My cheeks flamed, I did not like where this topic of conversation was going. I looked up desperately at Jade, hoping she would save me and steer the topic away from anything that might reveal my sexuality.

"Ya Perrie, you probably could do with some sex, it might improve your mood"

If Jade had reached across the table and slapped me I probably would have been less stunned. She added on a laugh at the end but there was nothing funny about her comment. She ment that to hurt me, to get under my skin.  She was using information I had told her in confidence against me. That was not the Jade I knew or loved. Leigh and Jes seemed to sense the change in mood and laughed awkwardly.

I wouldn't cry in front of her, I wouldn't give her that satisfaction. Instead, I reached forward and grabbed a shot glass, while looking directly at her I downed the liquid. God that burned.

"You're right Jade, I better go and fix that" I stood and walked, as best as I could towards the bar. I didn't dare look back, if I had they would all have seen the tears that were tracking down my face. I headed towards the end of the bar, which was blocked from the view of our table. Great. Now what was I going to do. I saw a door to my left with a sign above it in German, might aswell I thought to myself as I climbed up the stairs.

It lead to a large heated roof garden, a few people were sitting at the bar but for the most part it was empty. I leaned against the railing and looked out over the city. It was beautiful.

I was starting to sober up in the cold night air. I took one last look out at the lights below, all these people, I thought to myself. All these people here in the whole wide world and I want the one who's not interested. Or even single I thought to myself bitterly. I shivered and resigned myself to the fact that I was going to have to return to the table at some stage, in my haste to get away from Jade I had left my purse and phone there.

No sooner had I come back down the stairs then I saw Jesy's worried face round the corner.

"Jesus Christ Perrie, where the fuck have you been" she pulled me into her, "I've been worried sick you twat".

"Sorry Jes, I just went to get some air"

She pulled back and gave me a look that said she knew that was bullshite but didn't push it any further. Instead she held my hand and dragged me back to the table, which was now empty.

"Where are the girls"

Jesy pointed distractedly to the dance floor as she rooted in her bag, where I could just about make out Jade and Leigh in the crowd. My stomach dropped. They were pressed tightly together, dancing in time to the bass that reverberated around the club. Jade obviously didn't care that I had gone missing, it was doubtful that she even noticed.

"Jes, I'm going to head home" I was completely done with this day, "I promise I've sobered up and I'll get an Uber. Pleas stay here" I added on before she could interrupt. "Some needs to keep an eye on those two"

I cast another eye to the dance floor, Jade was swaying a bit, she was definitely drunk. Which means that she started drinking once I left. She could enjoy herself once you were gone idiot.

"Are you sure Pez, you seemed upset earlier" she was looking at me knowingly.

I gulped, here comes another lie."I'm fine Jes, just tiered now" I lent forward and kissed her cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow"

I grabbed my purse and forced myself not to look at the dance floor as I headed towards the exit. The Uber pulled up and brought me back to the hotel, the whole time all I could think of was Jade's behavior, maybe I was being too clingy and that's why she was so distant. Or worse, maybe she picked up on the fact that I'm completely in love with her.

"Miss, were here"

I looked out the window blinking, I had been so wrapped up in my thoughts I didn't realise we were already back at the hotel. I smiled weakly at the driver and entered the hotel. My heels clicked across the nearly empty lobby as I headed towards the lifts. Pressing the button to call the lift, I clicked onto Instagram. Jade had a story up, my finger hovered above it, don't do it to yourself Perrie, I thought as my finger taped on her icon. A picture of Jade and Jed from last year illuminated my screen with the caption 'Love and miss you always Pet".

I cried as I entered the lift. I cried for the love I had for Jade and I cried for the things I was about to do.

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