Part fourteen

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Perrie and I walked back from our lunch together hand in hand. For the most part we walked in a comfortable silence. That was one thing I loved about Perrie, she didn't feel the need to fill every moment with noise, she could enjoy silence. When we reached the hotel I said my goodbyes and headed towards my room under the pretense of packing. That was another thing I loved about Pez, she was so trusting she took everything at face value.

I entered my hotel room, walking past my packed bags and flopped onto the bed. I felt exhausted. Physically and mentally exhausted. I didn't want to lie to Perrie but I had to get away from her to try and straighten my head out, packing my bags seemed a believable excuse, even if they had been done since yesterday.

This morning had been amazing, despite her protest of not knowing what she was doing Perrie had proven herself to be an amazing lover. That wasn't the problem. The problem was the raised red marks that I had caught sight off as she had discarded her T-shirt. I hadn't been one hundred percent sure this morning, but after how she behaved after I touched them at lunch, I knew for sure they were self harm scars.

I sat up feeling sick. What worried me most was that they seemed fresh, maybe a day or two old.  How had I never noticed this before, I thought to myself. I groaned, lying back down and covering my eyes with my hand. I wanted to confront her about the scars but things between us had been so intense lately I wasn't sure I was ready for that. The deeper we went with out deal the more the lines between friendship and intimacy were blurred. I loved Pez as a friend, but there were times she looked at me and I swear there was more than just friendship in her eyes.

It was all just so complicated and yet I didn't want to stop. It was a dangerous game I was playing, I knew if Jed found out he would more than likely dump me, but I couldn't bring myself to stop what I was doing with Perrie. I loved the effect I had on her, it felt good to be wanted like that. To see her blush when I would brush against her, or the way she would keep her eyes closed after we kissed, as if she was savoring the moment.

My phone buzzing pulled me out of my thought, I looked down to see another text from Jed. He had messaged me at lunch, complaining about how I haven't returned his phone calls in a few days, frowning, I tried to think back to the last time we had been in touch. I guess I had gotten so wrapped up in Perrie and promo that I hadn't given the boy much attention.

I scrolled through my contacts until I saw his name and clicked on it. I listened to the dialing tone until Jed's sleepy voice answered.

"Mmm hey Jadey" he said groggily down the phone. Shite, I thought to myself, it's probably the middle of the night in the States.

"Hey babe, sorry for calling so late, I just wanted to hear your voice. I miss you"

"Ahw I miss you too babe. Its so hard being away from you for this long"

I sighed. He wasn't wrong there. I loved Jed, of that I had no doubt, but spending the majority of our time away from each other had left me with an ache that I couldn't quite fill. Until Perrie. My eyes widened at the thought, sure things with Perrie filled the physical void but not the emotional one, she was just a friend, I was in love with Jed.

"Jade? You still there"

Jed's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Oh ya sorry, the line is kind of bad" I lied "when will I get to see you?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about actually, I've looked at our schedules and in two months time you'll be in Paris, I'll have a few days free so I can come over and see you"

"That sounds perfect" I smiled "I miss you so much baby"

"Ya" he husked down the phone "how much?"

"FaceTime?" I questioned breathlessly.

"Give me five minutes babe" Jed answered. I ended the call and gave myself a quick once over in the mirror, pulling off my top to show off my lace bra. Inspecting the mirror closer I could make out faint teeth marks below my bra line and near my hip. Perrie. As my phone started to ring, I leaned over and knocked off the main light, casting most of the room into shadow, hiding the signs of my infidelity.

45 minutes later

I lay panting on my bed, trying to regain my breath. It had been awhile since I had sex over FaceTime and if I was honest it left a lot to be desired. Thank god I was getting the real thing.

"That was amazing baby, I can't tell you how badly I needed that" Jed puffs out, running his hand through his hair.

"Ya it was-" a sharp knock on the door caught my attention "one sec babe, someone's at the door"

I left my phone down on the bed, threw on a large T-shirt and made my way towards the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Jesy, open up"

I pulled the door open and stepped back to let her through.

"Oi Oi" Jesy teased "what's going in here then"

I blushed, realizing that I probably smelt of sex, my hair was messy from running my fingers through it and there was a dark patch on the bed from where I had cum.

"Ahem" I cleared my throat "Jed's on FaceTime, just give me a minute"

Jesy walked back towards the door still laughing.

"Take all the time you need you kinky mare, we're all going to meet in Pez's room for a bit" she winked "I did text you to let you know, but obviously you've been a bit distracted"

She opened the door, giving me another wink

"BYYYEEEE JED" she screamed as the door closed behind her. I made my way back over to the bed and picked up my phone to see Jed laughing.

"It's not funny Jed" I snapped, feeling annoyed at being caught by Jesy.

"Babe why do you even care, it's only Jesy?"

I wasn't sure it was what Jesy thought that worried me, but rather the blonde girl who's room she was returning to.

"I've got to go Jed, the girls need me"

"Okay, I love you petal"

"Love you too" I murmured as I hung up and threw my phone down on the bed. My head was all over the place so I decided to have a quick shower before heading to Perrie's room. Forty five minutes later I knocked on thr door.

I could hear loud laughter from inside which brought a smile to my face. God I loved our girls night. The door was suddenly pulled open with force to reveal a giggling Leigh-Anne.

"Ugh, finally" she joked while pulling me into the room. Perrie and Jesy were sprawled out on the bed, both with notebooks open.

"We've decided to have a little impromptu writing session" Jesy called out from her spot on the bed " we could do with some inspiration, Pez is hiding all her ideas". I glanced up at Perrie to see her sticking her tongue out at Jesy.

Jesy had a devilish grin on her face as she added "Surely you have plenty of inspiration for some sexy banger after you little face time with Jed". My cheeks heated up, Perrie caught my eye and quickly looked away, she looked hurt? Surely it couldn't be about Jed and I?

I moved onto the bed beside Perrie and gave her knee a soft squeeze, ignoring Jesy's taunts. She smiled at me and then returned to jotting down ideas in her notebook. I couldn't help myself and glanced down at the page, it was mostly empty, but in the top right hand corner she had scrawled a few words that caught my eye.

'Every time that we touch it's dangerous,
This spark is more than chemistry
Beautiful liars, drowning deep'.

A/N: It's me, back again with another flu update! Enjoy my lovelies x

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