Lonely (chapter forty Nine)

Start from the beginning

We arrived in LA about hours later and everyone went their separate ways and me and Ari went home we spent the night watching movies on the couch and just avoiding talking about Austin more because honestly there wasn't anything else to talk about, I'm done with him. That's what I want to believe I want to believe that I can move on from him, I'm going to try my best. I walked up to my bedroom and sat on the bed looking through pictures which I shouldn't be doing. I came across one of me on Austin's back getting one of my piggy back rides from him.

We were both all smiles, it was after one of his shows, we were both so happy and in love, I know this whole thing is kind of my fault for asking for a break but I planned on getting him back at the Grammys but now he's with a woman who shouldn't be named. Well I don't know if they are together but something fishy is going on but like I said I don't care to know. Ariana walked in sitting on the bed next to me "Arizona I'm so sorry he is doing this to you baby girl." She said hugging me "its fine, its my fault for asking for a break, I don't think he ever loved me, he told me he wasn't going to see anyone and wait for me, he didn't even wait a week and he goes with the one who caused the break up?" I say shaking my head trying to forget about it "now I'm fucking lonely, and he didn't want me" I said feeling a tear start to fall.

I never cry this much, plus still not knowing about Michelle is killing me. "you will never be lonely you have me; I know it's not the same, but I am always here baby girl no matter what." She said hugging me. I started crying even more and she just hugged me like any good friend would. My life was such a mess right now and I'm only praying that it gets better and that my heart doesn't hurt like this forever. For the third night in a row Ariana slept in my bed so that I wasn't lonely.

But I was woken up around midnight by my phone ringing I looked over to see it was an unknown number so I answered it "you stay away from Austin, I finally got what I wanted now stay away BITCH" then they hung up but I knew who it was, it was Carrie. She finally got what she wanted, she got Austin. Me moving woke Ari up and she sat up asking what happened and I told her about the call. "I swear I am going to kill that bitch and Austin. How dare he do this to my best friend." I felt tears hitting my face again.

God I was sick of fucking crying. We went down stairs and Ari poured me a drink, I needed liquor, after a few drinks too many we were both drunk and I decided it was a good idea to unblock Austin and tell him how I felt.

Me- I don't understand what I did to you, but you have left me broken and I will NEVER forgive you for that. Do you know how much it hurts that you didn't want me?


The little bubbles popped up but then disappeared and I blocked him again throwing my phone across the room. "God, I hate him." I said taking another drink. "I think I have an idea, and honestly it's a fucking great one" Ari said looking at me also drunk. "I know someone who is crazy attractive and would love to meet you, let me call him and see if he's in town." I didn't argue I could use someone to get my mind off dumbass.

After a few minutes she looked up from her phone "he's here and is on his way over to meet you, and I also invited someone for me to talk to." she said sitting next to me with a wink. "Who" I asked, and she just smiled "you'll see" she said and with that we took another shot. After about 20 minutes I could hear the knocking on the door and Ari got up to let the two guys in, well I'm assuming guys. Two taller guys walk in one had dark brown hair and my god was he hot as hell, I instantly recognize him hi, I'm Shawn." He said putting his hand out to shake mine but me being drunk I stood up pulling him into a hug, well actually I jumped on him like a Kohala bear I wrapped my legs around him and luckily he grabbed my ass holding me up so I didn't fall.

I was koala bear hugging Shawn Mendes, I didn't recognize the other guy with him for Ariana, but he was cute too. "Nice to meet you too Arizona." He said laughing but I didn't let go of his neck and he didn't let go of my ass. I smiled at him "nice to meet you Shawn." I said copying him. "wow you are attractive as hell" Shawn said staring into my eyes and I couldn't help getting lost in how brown and beautiful they were.
"You gonna put her down anytime?" Ariana said making me and Shawn looks there while she was sitting on the other guys lap. "I like holding her." Shawn said winking at me and I felt my face turn red.
"But I guess I'll get down." I said letting my legs fall and he let go of my ass and I was on my feet again barely. Shawn sat down then opened his arms "come sit princess" and I smiled sitting on his lap as he wrapped his arms around me.
"My guess is you're single?" Shawn asked "single as a fucking Pringle." I said and they All laughed. Shawn could be a helpful asset to me helping forget about Austin he could move infant so could I, I hope.
"God you are to pretty to be single how old are you?" He asked me "well thank you you're not so bad looking yourself and I'm 22 you?" "22" he said smiling at me. "God you are so perfect." He said putting his hand on my cheek and moving a piece of hair back from my face.
We sere both lost talking to each other when we realized Ariana and the guy weren't in the room anymore "they must be fucking." Shawn said laughing and I rolled my eyes.
"I know we just met but can I get your number?" Shawn asked and I was too drunk to remember it "here" I said handing him my phone and he put his number in then took out his phone texting himself so he had my number.
"You are so handsome" I blurted touching his face and he just smiled at me. "You are so beautiful" he said touching my face then I crashed my lips onto his and his lips started to dance with mine. Before I knew it we were in a full make out session.
"Honey I think we need to stop as much as I'd love to fuck you, you're drunk and I'm not taking advantage." He said pulling away from me. "Aw come on." I said and he laughed "not today, I would love to take you on a date though." He sad and I nodded "I would love that."
"Now lets get you to bed, you look tried." He said picking up as he stood up, we made it up the stairs safely and I pointed to my door as we past Ariana's. He threw me lightly on the bed. And climbed on top of m kissing me. "If you keep doing that I won't be able to stop." I said to him and he pulled off of me. I was still wearing my PJ's so I didn't have to change.
"Okay beautiful I'm going to crash on the couch since my buddy is here goodnight baby."
He was at the door when I said his name "Shawn sleep with me, not sexual just sleep next to me please?" I asked it must be the liquor talking but I kinda like him and like I aid warm welcome to keep my mind off of Austin.
"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded. He took off his shirt and pulled off his jeans leaving him in boxers.
"Wow" I said looking him up and down. "Like what you see?" He said and I nodded. I then took off my bottoms walked over to where his shirt was, I pulled my shirt off leaving my breast exposed but I didn't care and I put on his shirt and walked over to the bed.
""God damn that was fucking sexy." He said and I got under the covers. He pulled me close to him and kissed my cheek "good night Arizona." "Goodnight Shawn." .
Something didn't feel right though. He was attractive, sweet and kind but he wasn't Austin.
**End flashback**

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