Beautiful (Chapter Thirty Two)

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We all walk out of the hotel. I swear everywhere we travel we have a million people in our group. Especially right now with having Ariana and the girls as well. The article wasn't wrong I do always have a "crew" with me even though Ariana and the girls aren't usually with us they just came for the music video but decided to stay until we left.
Swae was with us of course for the tour. I went from having one best friend Michelle to 8 friends who I can trust with my life and always have my back. After me and Austin had sex this morning I showed him the article and he told me not to worry about it and that they will release a statement later.
We all file onto the plane and take our seats. I'm sat between Ariana and Austin. "It's a long flight baby I'm gonna try to get some more sleep." Austin said kissing me and laying his head back closing his eyes. We were on a private plane so it was just us and Austin's crew. I decided it was a good time to talk to Ariana about the miscarriage and everything that happened.
"Oh baby girl I am so sorry. Here I thought I had it rough" she said hugging me and then whipping a tear off her face. "It's okay we both talked it through and we're both doing okay." She nodded "you haven't acted any different, you're still your bubbly self, except when you slapped G which was fucking priceless" she said laughing causing me to laugh as well.
"I didn't want to act different around his fans notice, I feel like this is something they don't really need to know about ya know?" I said and she nodded "oh trust me I get it" I'm not famous like Austin, Ariana and Swae this all wasn't something I was used too, and honestly I don't think I'll ever get used to it.
I mean they are all normal people to me, I forget they are famous a lot of the time. For instance the cost of things, when I would travel I would stay at basic hotels, with Austin we stay at The best. When I would go or to eat it wasn't to expensive places with Austin it was. I've never flown on a private plane before this tour.
Austin's house was 4 of my apartment and 3 of the home I grew up in.
But even if Austin didn't have all this I would love him the fucking same. He is my world and the money don't mean shit to me clearly, I didn't even know he had money when I got with him. I would still be best friends with Ariana and Swae even if they didn't have money.
I was incredibly lucky to have these people and them being didn't mean a thing to me. "Arizona I'm so grateful that I met you when I did. Losing Malcolm was one of the roughest things I've gone through, and then deciding to break off things with Pete that was fucking hard. But you've been there for me through it all and I couldn't be more thankful for you. You really are my best friend Arizona" she said hugging me and I felt a tear fall from my eye.
She felt the same way I did grateful. "I love you girl" I said pulling away "I love you too boo. Now I think I'm gonna sleep too." She said laying her head back and I decided to do the same we were the only two awake. I laid my head on Austin's shoulder causing him to open his eyes and throw his arm over me and pulled me closer.
"Hey love birds are you gonna wake up?" I felt a tap on my shoulder seeing Swae standing over me. "We're about to land" he said taking the seat next to me. Ariana must of went and sat somewhere else. He put on his seat belt and I sat up putting on mine and then Austin put on his. It was a long flight so it was nice getting off the plane.
We walked off austin holding my hand and everyone hugged and got in different cars to go to all of our destinations. Jet lag was going to be a real thing so we all were ready to be in our beds. Swae went his way, Ariana hers and the girls there's. Me and Austin go in the same car "you can just drop me off at home." I told Austin.
" you don't want to go back to mine?" He asked still holding my hand in the back of the car. It was still weird to me having a driver sometimes. I liked driving. "No it's not that I just figured you would want a break from me." I said laughing " I don't ever want a break from you baby I love having you around. You being on this tour was perfect the best tour I've had so far. Arizona will you move in with me?" I stared at him, I wasn't expecting that question. "Austin I don't want to live off of you, I don't want you feeling like I'm only with you for the things you do for me." It was the truth.
I try not to think about it but it's how I feel. I make decent money being a tattoo artist, and I have money saved up in the bank so I was doing fine during to tour since any time I would try to pay for something Austin would beat me to it. Austin, Ariana and Swae all paid me when they got tattoos which was now becoming common. I did two for Swae while on tour, 3 for Ariana and 2 for Austin on his leg. But moving in with Austin? After this short time? I'm not sure.
"Please baby live with me, I want you here with me all the time. I want this to be your house too." I was still looking at him oddly thinking about what I wanted my answer to be. "And what happens if we break up? You've only known each other 5-6 months." I mean I felt like I've known him my whole life and felt so safe and comfortable with him.
"Sunflower we aren't breaking up, I plan to make you a bride and a mother one day. I want you and only you, I feel like I've known you forever and I want to know you for a lot longer, please baby?" He said giving me his puppy dog pout and his blue eyes pleading. "Yes Austin I would love to move in with you." I said causing him to get a huge smile on his face.
I loved that smile, I loved my sunflower nickname as much. We pull up to Austin's house and head inside "we can go get all your things tomorrow baby" He said carrying our bags upstairs. I didn't have a whole lot of things because I hadn't lived in LA crazy long.
I walk up stairs to see Austin looking at a piece of paper on the bed. "What's that?" I asked causing him to pick it up and put it behind his back. "Austin what is it?"I asked again this time in a tone he now knows means business. "It looks like Kylie was in here somehow. She left this note." He said handing me the piece of paper.
"Austin I miss you, I miss all the things you did for me. I miss the sex. I see your girlfriend isn't very pretty and doesn't compare to me. I have the tits you love so much, she's flat chested. I know you miss me baby. Call me for a good time ;) I'll show you what your missing from her. Love your Kylie."
I crumpled the piece of paper in my hand and tossed it in the trash "god I hope I run into her somewhere" i said sitting on the bed. "Arizona I love everything about you, she has nothing compared to you. You get me, your sex is 1000 times better, and your tits are the best I've seen. I'd rather have real anyway." He said sitting next to me. "I've never asked a girl to go on tour with me, or to move in with me. You're special sunflower I love you"
He said pulling me into a hug and then kissing my forehead. He instantly made me feel better "but how did she get in?" I asked him curiously. "I'm guessing she gave it to my maid or something. I didn't give her a key. Oh my the way hold on." He said getting up and going over to a dresser and pulling something out.
"Here this is for you sunflower" and handed me this box and when I opened it I noticed a key covered in sunflowers "it's to the house, it's yours too now." He said kissing me. Seeing the key caused me to feel the tears come. Happy tears to be exact. It made me feel like I couldn't get any happier. "We've got to decorate this place and get some pictures up." I said looking around.
He didn't really have any decorations it didn't feel like a cozy home like I like. The only picture he had was one of us where I was on his back and Adam took a picture when we were backstage after a show. It was sitting on his dresser. "I would like that, it never felt like a home until you came around." Causing me to smile a goofy smile.
We laid back into the bed and I cuddled up to his chest. "You know sunflower you are a Beautiful, beautiful angel. I love you" and with that we closed our eyes and let sleep take over our bodies.

Sunflower ---Post Maloneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن