Malibu (Chapter Thirty Seven)

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Its been about a week since the Vma's it was amazing besides seeing G but its whatever, I just ignore him, and it seemed to have worked great for me. That party we had that night after didn't last long well for me and Austin anyway we snuck upstairs and no we didn't have sex we crashed it was a long day. Its currently 10 am and I'm downstairs waiting for Austin to wake up his dad and step mom are coming over tonight for dinner and I couldn't be happier. I loved being around them they really made me feel welcomed.

"hey baby let's get going I have a plan for us today." Austin said walking down the stairs freshly showered and dressed, thank god I showered this morning and got dressed. We walked out and got in Austin's car "where are we going?" I say while looking out the window as we pull out of the driveway. "it's a surprise it won't take long to get there." He said putting his hand on my knee and squeezing. "I'm excited for your dad and Jodi to be coming over for dinner, speaking of which I need to go shopping for food to cook." "I'll pay Jerry to cook." That's Austin's chef but I didn't like him cooking for me, I enjoyed cooking.

"Austin, I want to cook, it would be my pleasure." "Okay baby whatever you want, after we can stop at the grocery store." I nod satisfied with the answer. We pull up to this grey building that says Gun Club. "what are we doing here?" I said to Austin as we got out of the car. He walked over to me grabbing my hand "Just come on. I'll tell you inside." And I followed him. "Hey Austin, and" "Arizona" Austin said giving the man my name. "hi" I shake the man's hand "What are we doing today just shoot?" "yes, but I also want to buy her a gun, since she's with me I would like for her to be protected." Austin said kind of shocking me, I wasn't expecting to need a gun, and I defiantly didn't know how to shoot one.

"Ok so just a simple handgun?" and Austin nodded "Austin why do I need a gun?" I asked looking around "I don't even know how to shoot one," "well that's why we're here so you can learn, and you most likely will never need it but it will make me feel better knowing you have it with you when I'm not around. I just want you safe baby." He said kissing me and I followed him and the guy to the back where the shooting range part was. "I'm nervous Austin" I said as the guy handed me headphones and a pair of safety glasses. "I'm here baby I won't anything happen" Austin handed me the small handgun and showed me about the safety and how to load the bullets in.

"Now just hold it like this baby and shoot at the target." And I was so confident that I was going to get a headshot on the paper but nope. The bullet went right by the paper and didn't even make contact. "wow that was terrible." I said causing Austin to laugh "Just keep trying, I'm going to shoot too if that's okay if you feel safe with that." He said and I nodded turning back around and pointing the gun and hitting the target this time I was fucking proud of myself. I look over at Austin who is now holding a huge gun "woah what the fuck that thing is huge." I said and Austin took off his headphones "I know, I had it costume made see the barbed wire?" I nodded "continue" I pointed to the range and he started firing off. It was pretty loud even with the headphones on, but I could see how happy this was making him.

So, I was perfectly okay with learning this new thing as long as he was happy, and you can tell this is his thing he loves it. After about two hours there, yes two hours he was like a kid in a candy store. We are currently going to the grocery store so I can buy food to make for his family. He bought me the small hand gun even though I offered to pay for it. "Do you want to stay in the car while I go in?" I asked as we pulled into the parking lot for the store. "I'll come in, I haven't been shopping in a grocery store for two years."

"what? You don't ever shop your own food?" "nope I pay someone for that." He said getting out of the car and locking it. "I love grocery shopping, it gives me ideas of new things to make and try, if you don't mind, I would like to start doing the grocery shopping for your house." I said as he intertwined our hands. "Our house and that's fine baby I'll go with you, I would like that." He said as we enter the store. As soon as we walk In a girl walks over to us. "Your post Malone." She said looking star struck, It was still weird to me when people noticed him because I forget he's famous, he's just Austin to me.

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