NFWMB (Chapter Twenty Five)

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Austin left to get ready for the show and I sat on the bed just staring. I was pregnant. Did I want to be pregnant? I didn't feel like I did. Austin surprised me by wanting it to be positive. I on the other hand wasn't so sure. We were still new together. Just now starting to try again I wasn't sure if we were ready for a baby.
"Honey are you alright?" Mom said walking into the room and sitting next to me. "Did you tell him?" "Yes he was excited and wants the baby." I said "you don't sound very happy?" She said questioning why I wasn't. "I mean I am, I'm just scared I'm not ready to be a mom I don't think. Plus with Austin's career I just don't know." I said trying not to cry.

It was scary, to think I was going to be a mom, Austin's career was something I was still trying to get used to it. "Honey of course it's scary, I was terrified when I found out I was having you. I thought your dad would be so mad at me for getting pregnant but he was the happy one just like Austin was with you. Everything works out Honey me and your dad had an amazing child." She said pushing a piece of hair out of my face.

"You're right Mom, we will just have to figure it out." "I'm gonna be a grandma" she said putting her hand on my stomach. I hadn't even showed Austin I think I was still in shock when he left. We decided it was time to get ready for the show. We were getting ready when I heard a knock at the door. What now? I open the door to see Tayla standing there. "Surprise" She said smiling and pulling me into a hug. I have to tell the girls when I get back to LA and Swae.

"Mom this is Tayla one of the 6 girls I've told you about." My mom instantly pulling her into a hug. "We have to leave soon are you coming?" I ask Tayla "of course Austin wanted me to surprise you" she said following me into the room. I finished getting ready and we walked out of the building into a car waiting for us, I assume Austin had it set up. We make it to the venue and walk in, there was a booth set up there to take pictures "come on girls let me take your picture." My Mom said pushing us into the booth.

Liked by Postmalone, Arianagrande, swaelee and 100,987 others TaylaXoXo bad girls club 😉🚓ArizonaRain1 this turned out so good 😍Postmalone damn lil mama 😍😍Arianagrande I wish I could be there 😩 looking hot girls 😉

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Liked by Postmalone, Arianagrande, swaelee and 100,987 others
TaylaXoXo bad girls club 😉🚓
ArizonaRain1 this turned out so good 😍
Postmalone damn lil mama 😍😍
Arianagrande I wish I could be there 😩 looking hot girls 😉

We made our way to our seats front row, my mom wanted to experience the concert in the crowd which didn't surprise me. We got to our seats three in a row front and center. "This is something" my mom said looking around and taking a sip of the beer she got. "You want a drink?" Tayla asked. "A water would be nice" I said hoping she didn't question why I didn't want a beer.
After about a half our Austin started his concert. I was surprised when I looked over to see my mom dancing and trying to sing along to the songs even though she didn't know them. I was having a good time too he was such an amazing performer, he deserved all of this. He would occasionally look at me and smile, and I would smile back.

I was having a hard time not to put my hands on my stomach just out of wanting to feel that bump knowing there was a life inside. Tayla was also enjoying herself which made me happy seeing the people I love having a good time. I was just swaying along to the music when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Are you post Malone's girlfriend?" I girl said I could hear her since Austin was singing stay a slower song. "Yes" I said turning back around. "bitch" I heard her say but then she didn't say anything else.
I just ignored her. Then he moved on to candy paint and I loved this song so much one of my favorites. I was singing along with Austin as he watched me. "He's watching her." I could hear the girl behind me say to her friend I'm assuming. I just ignored her, I think she was trying to get a rise out of me. I'm just happy Tayla didn't hear it she would flip.
I just kept signing minding my own business when I feel a tug on my hair, I spin around to see the girl laughing. Once again I just ignored it. After about two minutes I feel it again. "What do you want?" I spun around getting annoyed. She just laughed. I was getting pissed. I looked up to see Austin watching me trying to read my face to make sure everything was ok. I nodded.
"She's kind of ugly. All those tattoos and shit." The girl snickered and this time Tayla heard it. "Say one more thing and you'll have to deal with me, leave her alone." She said and turned to look at me. Confirming she had heard all the other comments as well. Austin only had a few songs left and was starting otherside. I started signing alone when all of a sudden I get pulled back, by my shoulders. Causing me to fall backwards and before I know it I look up to see the girl climbing on top of me and swinging at me. And then I feel my hair get pulled again and noticed I was being dragged a little. I kicked up my leg and it connected with the girl now standing over me.
She falls backwards but I don't get a chance to get up because I feel her friend kick me in the side. "Ah" I screamed grabbing my stomach remembering that I had a baby in there, and I was going to protect that baby. My mom had went to the bathroom with Tayla so I was alone. And I was scared, I was outnumbered. All of a sudden the crowd parted and everyone backed away from me. I looked up to see Austin had jumped off the stage and was standing over top of me.
"My baby" was really the only words I could get out, I was hurt, my side was hurt and I think i was having a panic attack. I started crying more "Austin my baby" I said grabbing my stomach not caring who heard me.
"What the hell is wrong with you I swear to god. You hurt her or my baby I'll kill you!" Austin yelled at the girl and then picked me up like a baby and carried me through the crowd everyone getting out of his way. "I want them arrested immediately" he said as he carried me. Was put straight into a gurney and wheeled into a ambulance. Austin my my side. "I'll let your mom and Tayla know" he said pulling out his phone.

"Arizona I am so fucking sorry that this happened, my fans are never like this I am so sorry, is the baby okay?" He asked sounding frantic and I could tell he was going to cry. "I don't know" I said still trying to come down from the panic attack and feeling the pain sharp in my side. The paramedic lifted my shirt lightly to see my side. "Look!" Austin said loudly "there's a small bump." He said putting his hand on my stomach where the bump had started forming.
"Oh my god Arizona that's my baby, our baby." He said not moving his hand. "That will never happen again I swear, I thought I could trust them with you. I am so sorry." He wrapped his arm around my head and brought his forehead to mine. "I love you, both." He said and I felt a tear from him hit my face.
"I promise it will never happened again. Because nothing fucks with my babies."
I just hope the baby is okay.

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