Adore you (Chapter Twenty Seven)

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Austin's POV

"Are you girls ready yet?" I ask through the door, "almost chill Austin" I heard Tayla's voice from the bathroom. Her and Arizona were getting ready. We're all going out for lunch and then to see some views. I wanted to take Arizona's mind off everything that has happened, last night, loosing the baby, and the whole G situation.
She's had a rough couple of days. I'm going to have G's head the next time I see him. I don't know why in the hell he thought he could put his hands on Arizona or any woman. I'm just grateful me and Swae were in the other room because god knows how bad it would of been if we weren't.  I try not to think about it because it makes me want to kill him. When she told me she was pregnant i was so shocked and scared the second she said it. When she said it was mine I was a little relieved but still scared. I couldn't let her see that she was already terrified and scared I didn't want her to freak out even more than her eyes were telling me she was freaking out. Then the fear I felt  when I looked for her in the spot she was supposed to be and she was on the ground I've never felt that kind of fear.
Seeing her being harassed and hurt by someone who was supposed to be my fan. Then to top it all of we lost the baby. I don't think it had hit her that she lost the baby I think she's still in a little shock. But I was serious that if she wanted to try again in the future if she wanted babies I would give her babies, but I think we both agree we should wait a little. I hate the fact that we lost this baby but I guess God has a plan for us and it just wasn't the right time. Last night after she feel asleep in my arms I cried for about an hour, I felt like all this stuff that was happening to her was because I put her into this lifestyle. I told her I felt she was having all these problems because of me and she shut that thought down immediately. "You've given me some of the best friends I've ever had, and this life has giving me you" she told me and that made me feel better.
  "You're a good kid Austin." Her Mom said sitting across from me on the couches as we waited on the girls. "Thank you I really love your daughter" I said being honest my heart was so full with her in my life. "I can tell she also feels like that, I'm happy you've brought to meet all of her friends she's made as well, they seem to really support her and love her. I was shocked when she told me Ariana I think that's her name I'm still learning bought her a ring as expensive as the one she has. Thank you for taking care of her here." She said getting up and coming over to me hugging me. I'm so happy that she didn't blame me for anything that has happened. "Yeah she's got some damn good friends in LA, she's got her own personal backup crew." I said laughing she really did have her own backup crew I love that she has so much support and love. "From what I witnessed at your show you are a hell of a performer, I really enjoy your music." She said making me smile.
"We're ready!" I hear Tayla's voice as the girls walked into the front room. "Damn baby you look so good, absolutely beautiful" I said walking over to Arizona and bending down to kiss her wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her into me. "Let's go guys." Tayla said clearing her throat I forgot they were both watching us for a second. "Yes lets go, there's a car downstairs for us." I said grabbing Arizona's hand and walking out the door following her mom and Tayla.

I went into a little restaurant that I enjoyed and got everyone something to go and headed back out to the car, Arizona's Mom was in the front seat and the three of us in the back. I get in sitting the food between my feet on the floor board. "Why didn't we just eat there?" Arizona asked me looking at the food. "I have a plan baby." I said and the drive started the car and we headed to my spot. We pull up and parked the car. "I'll call you when we're ready." I said to the driver tipping him a nice tip. We all get out, let's go I said grabbing Arizona's hand with my free hand the other hand holding the food.
We walk up the steps and Arizona sees the table "Are we eating up here? It's so pretty" she said her eyes lighting up which is what I was hoping would happen. I wanted this day to take her mind off things.
  We sat down and I unloaded the food from the bag. "I got everyone burgers and fries." I said handing things out. "Damn I forgot the drinks" I said feeling like an idiot who forgets the drinks for lunch? "It's okay Austin I think we will survive." Her Mom said making me laugh she was so laid back. I get where Arizona gets her sweetness and how she's always happy.
  "Let's eat!" Her Mom said taking a bite out of her burger. We finished eating and Arizona got up waking over to the stone wall. I got up following her, "it's beautiful here Austin. How did you know about this place?" She asked as I stood behind her and she leaned into me. "When I first moved to LA my manager Dre brought me here and ever since I've loved coming here when I get a chance, it helps me get away and forget I'm post malone for a minute." I told her being honest, I loved being post malone I wouldn't trade it for the world but sometimes it's nice to remember I'm still Austin.
"It's so breathtaking I love it." She said staring out into the town below. She was the breathtaking one. Still my tattooed goddess. Looking at her reminds me how lucky I am that she's my girl, that's my baby. "What?"She said turning around and looking at me. "Nothing just checking you out" I said winking at her causing her to laugh making my heart melt. I loved that damn smile.
"I'm gonna finish my burger baby." I said kissing her and walked back to the table and she turned looking back out at the town below. I pull my phone out taking a picture. I loved her so damn much. Tayla walked over to her "girl give me your phone" she said and Arizona pulled her phone out handing it to Tayla. "Pose" She said causing Arizona to pose for the picture. " your hair looks amazing" Her Mom said walking over to her. "Will you take our picture Austin?" Arizona asked handing me her phone.

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