Sweet Creature (chapter Twenty One)

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I woke up in Austin's arms, he was snoring. He was as stunned and upset as me. My side feels a little better, I'm pretty sure he just bruised me which is good, it means I don't need to go to the hospital. I also wouldn't let Austin call the cops because Austin tried choking him, and Swae punched him I didn't want them getting arrested too.
I was still in shock that he hit me, he never showed a single sign anytime we were together. I don't know if he knows I slept with Austin, I didn't tell him I was petrified. I couldn't tell him, then I would of been beat up even worse than I was. Thank god Austin and Swae were next door I don't know what would of happened. I'm also hoping that he keeps his mouth shut and none of this gets put into the media.
Having Austin's sing that song to me made me fall in love with him all over again.
It reminded me why I picked him, why I went through fighting with G it was so I could be with Austin. I couldn't be more proud of my choice to pick Austin, cheating on G on the other hand was a terrible choice and I hated that I let myself do that to another human being.
I feel Austin's start moving pulling me out of my thoughts. "Hey baby are you feeling okay?" He said as I looked up at him. "I feel fine Austin just a little shaken up still" I said telling him the truth. "I know baby but let me tell you something. I will never let that happen again I can promise you that. You will never be touched by someone else, you will never be put in a situation where I can't protect you." His words brought tears to my eyes, I have never felt this feeling being with someone. I have never loved someone like I love Austin.
"Austin, I can hold my own I was just kind of caught off guard I wasn't expecting him to do that to me. But I love that you want to protect me" I said cupping his face and kissing him. And of course when I kiss Austin it's not just one kiss it usually turns into a make out session.
He started climbing onto me and he accidentally hit my side causing me to wince in pain. He instantly jumped off "I am so sorry baby" He said and I could see the worry in his face. "Baby it's okay, I just am still a little sore! No sex until it's healed a little!" I said causing him to laugh a beautiful laugh. And I couldn't help but laugh with him it was contagious.
"Why don't we go do something today? Indy seems to be a pretty city! Let's go on an adventure baby!" He said getting up "I'm gonna shower!" He said and disappeared into the bathroom.
I needed to go talk to Swae I think he was worked up too. I knocked on the door which leads to what was mine and Austin's room. Nothing. I knocked again before I went to open the door myself Swae opened it standing in the door frame.
"Are you okay Arizona?" He had a worried look on his face "I'm fine Swae it's okay." I said hugging him. "I thought you knocking twice something was wrong." He said In my hair hugging me tightly but not to right to hurt my side.
"Swae it's okay, I'm so grateful that you were there for me and that you have my back thank you so much." He pulled alway from me "I will always have your back" he said before turning around to sit on the bed. "Why didn't you call the police?" He asked me as I sat next to him. "I didn't want you or Austin in trouble at the same time. I just want to forget it happened and move on." I got up from the bed "we all need to move on from it everything will be fine, I'm gonna get my bag and jump in the shower" I walked back into where Austin was. "Can I join?" I ask starting to take my clothes off.
"Of course baby girl" I got into the shower and after a couple minutes Austin started tracing some on my tattoos on my shoulder and chest. "You are a tattooed goddess baby I am so deep in love with you, I don't know how I got so lucky with you baby" as he kissed the top of my head.
I luckily didn't have any bruising on my arm or my face which I was lucky. My side was bruised but not bad yet it was more brown right now instead of purple. After the shower Austin got dressed while I got my hair done and makeup finished. "Baby I made you a hair appointment with a very good friend, you deserve to be pampered. And I know how much you love having your hair done. After I will meet you to go on our adventure!" He said before kissing me and  walking me down to the front door where he had a car waiting for me. " Wherever I go, you bring me home"

ArizonaRain1 you like my hair? Ge thanks 💁🏻‍♀️SwaeLee looks good best friend 😉Arianagrande omg I have an idea! Text me baby doll looking fire tho 😍Postmalone god damn 😩GEazy nice hair princess 🙄

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ArizonaRain1 you like my hair? Ge thanks 💁🏻‍♀️
SwaeLee looks good best friend 😉
Arianagrande omg I have an idea! Text me baby doll looking fire tho 😍
Postmalone god damn 😩
GEazy nice hair princess 🙄

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