Epilogue: Starting New

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April 24th, 2019

It has been months since I last saw Evander. I've been going through the motions of the day in Oran Manor. I often left the time pocket to go to the closest town and by now I had a few acquaintances but none that I would call friends.

"Hey Mir!" One of my acquaintance yelled. I turned and saw Danny jump over a small planter wall. He races up to me with a smile.

"Do you have to call me that?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Yes, I do. So what are you doing later?" He asked with a smile. He's been trying to ask me out for two months now and I've been avoiding it at all coast.

"Oh, well I've got to-"

"Look," he stopped me from explaining any further. "I heard around town that you didn't have the best ending with your last boyfriend." I sighed.

"He wasn't exactly my boyfriend." I whispered and he smiled.

"I won't push you into anything but I do at least want to be your friend. So how about tonight we go to the Arcade just to have a good laugh." I blew out air as I kicked a rock by my foot. I had a mini fight in my head before I looked up at him with a smile.

"Sure. I'll meet you there at seven?" I asked. I saw him smile brighter then I've ever seen before.

"Yeah, I'll see you then!" He waved as he moved back to where he was before. "Till then Mir!" He laughed and I gave a smile.

I walked back to the Manor and the second I stepped through the barrier Lily and Kayla, another fairy, flew up to my face.

"Something weird has happened!" They both screamed at me in unison.

"What do you mean?" I said and they took deep breaths.

"We went into the Manor and this book was just sitting in the middle of the floor covered in dust. It was like it had been sitting there for years but I've never seen it before." Kayla said. I raced inside and saw the fairies surrounding an open book on the dinning room table.

"Oh, it talks about you Mirella!" Audrey said with a girly tone.

"You can't read!" I said and I picked the book up to read.

October 11th, 1796

Dear Mirella,

     I'm writing this because I believe that it might find it's way to you in the future. Though I don't know what will happen I intend to keep this in the Manor so it'll find you better but I want it to be very clear

    I love you!

    You've consumed every moment of my life and my mind. I wish I could see you or hear from you but I know this is the best I can do. I assure you I intend to move on with my life and I hope you do the same. But no one will ever have my heart like you do.

With love,

I flipped the pages with tears in my eyes as I smile down at the book.

May 27th, 1803

My dear Mirella,

    The Purge of Magic has passed by now. I'm the last Warlock thanks to Lila who sacrificed herself. Your kind is not dead either an old friend of mine, Tessa Mclane, who is also an Imerium has gone into hiding and is living silently. I believe she may be your ancestor.

    I've found someone that I care for greatly and I've chosen to marry her. I wish you could meet her she's kind and sweet. Olivia definitely doesn't trip over books like you do. I love her and I love you too but things are just different now. I do hope you find someone to make you happy.


I flipped to a page that had a paper sticking out of the side with a wide smile as I laughed. The page had an piece of sketch paper. I open it to see a drawing of a small girl that looked four and had a bright smile.

December 13th, 1809


    As I have written before my daughter shines just as bright as you did. I included a sketch of her for you to see. She's four years old today and she has advanced in magic but her learning process reminds me of you.

    My wife, Olivia, has unfortunately passed away not to long ago, as I have explained before, it's been hard to be a father to my little Quin. I'm afraid I will stay the only Warlock since witches only pass magic to females.

    I try to be both mother and father but as you probably know I'm not good at comforting others. Quin reminds me of both you and Olivia. She looks like her mother but I believe she acts like you from the stories I tell her of you. She loves hearing about you in my stories and I wish she could meet you. And I hope you have the chance to have your own family.


I smiled and looked to the fairies. I closed the book and held onto it tightly. "It's from Evander. I think I'm going to finish reading it in my room everything is okay." I say and hurried up the stairs.

Each entry told me something new about his life and I smiled to hear everything. He had been happy and I intend to be happy on my own as well.

I placed the book down and got ready for my time out with Danny. I think I'll give it a chance but I'm not to sure how he'll feel about magic if I ever tell him, I think I'll hold off on that. I smile at the book as I leave the room with my hair done and a smile on my face.

"I'm going out Kayla! Don't burn anything please!" I yell as I rush down the stairs.

"No promises!"


"Nothing will burn." The other fairy reassured. I nodded as I opened the large door and made my way smiling to the town. I knew now that Evander had wanted me to keep going with my life and even though I still love him with all my heart I was going to find my own happiness as well.

"Whoa, you look happy to see me." Danny said as I approached him.

"I've realized that, it can't be that bad to go on a date with you." He smiled at me brightly.

"Date?" He questioned and I chuckled.

"Yes, a date. Now let's have fun." I grabbed his arm and raced into the arcade.

Word Count: 1,118

I DID IT!! THE BOOK IS FINISHED! I hope you all enjoyed it! I have other books. If your not happy with the ending I am sorry but this is the ending! Please check out my note chapter after this to hear about my other stories. 

Please keep reading my stories if you like them!

Please comment what you thought about the ending!


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