Chapter 18: Truth

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September 30th, 2018 9:36 am

"What if I came over to your time?" I stared blankly at his request. I wanted to say something but I said nothing, I probably looked like a fish with the way my lips were moving around. "I know it sounds crazy but it would allow me to help you and keep the window closed. You can't keep opening it when you're on the brink of death." I still stared. I wanted him to be with me but what consequences would come from him coming to my time?

"Evander," I let out still unsure what to say. "I, would love to have you here to help me but I don't know what will happen if you-"

"I'll go right back to my time when all this is over. I just want to help keep you safe. I need to know you'll be safe when I leave." I stare into his brown eyes and let out a sigh. I move over to my books and search for a spell.

"Tunc producat illum ad me." I watch as the window widened to a doorway and Evander step through. He was standing in front of me and I noticed the height difference between us. He was probably a head taller then me and he has a much better posture then me.

"You have to go back when this is all over." He nodded and kept him eyes locked on mine. I took the time to close the doorway and he looked around the room.

"Is this my house?" I turned to where he was and watched him.

"Yeah, I found it on accident. We were headed here when we were attacked." I looked down at my attire and suddenly saw how much of a mess I was. My shirt and covered in blood and was still. torn open around the waist.

"Mirella, tell me what happened during the attack." My head shot up. Evander was looking at me with a soft face.

"W-What?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and took a step towards me.

"Something happened. I saw it on your face when I asked about the situation earlier. You said the demon was supposed to do something else. Tell me what you know." He said seriously as he took another step towards me.

"I told you it was nothing!" I turned my back to him to hide the fear on my face.

"Mirella." I felt him standing behind me and he placed a hand on my shoulders. I turned my head to his hand and I let out a sigh. I have never been around him like this and I could feel my heart reach out towards him. I wanted him to know everything there was to know about me.

"A long time again," I began with my story. "You asked me why I never left the coven. I told you I had no where else to go but that wasn't entirely true. I tried to leave when I was twelve, I ran so far that I left the witches territory." I stop and let out a shaky breath. "I heard a voice talking to me but no one was there. He was telling me to go back and that he would send a 'friend' with me to make sure I was safe. He was controlling a demon Evander! He said that nothing would happen to me if I went back to the coven and never left. I agreed but he sent the demon after me! I ran as far as I could but I never made it back to the coven before I passed out. But when I woke up I was back in my room and no one even knew I was gone! They told me it was a dream and that it never happened but I know what I saw and it wasn't a dream!"

"What does that have to do with yesterday's attack?"

"Vivian had told me she could feel the demons coming so we decided to run here and have a better chance of surviving. While we were running Vivian had fallen behind and I waited for her but, he was there! That voice for so long ago! He was talking to me again after nine years of silence! He told me he was the one behind all the demons and that I was never supposed to get hurt! He said they were for my protection and to 'bring me where I belong'! I told him I didn't believe him and then the demons came! When that thing started to carry me away I knew I was going to where ever that guy was but it dropped me. The voice... told it to stop. So I was let go. What does any of this mean Evander?" I was shaking and I felt tears going down my cheeks and couldn't control my breathing.

I tried everything I could to stop me from crying but I could 't. Evander turned me around to look him in the eyes but I kept my head down and my red hair blocked my face. His hand moved my head up to him but I kept my eyes off him. I didn't want to see the look on his face.

"Mirella, look at me." I shook my head and he let out a sigh. "Please, look at me." I slowly moved my eyes to him and when I saw the sweet, caring look in his eyes I couldn't help but cry. I put my face against his chest and cried. I could tell he was shocked, but he wrapped his arms around me tightly and I held him tightly too.

As I cried I breathed in his scent and I felt myself relaxes. He had a strong hold on me like if he let go I would disappear and he smelled like expensive soap. Everything about him was comforting to me and I stopped crying instead I stood silently in his hold.

"I think," He said braking the silence. "That who ever this guy is doesn't want you dead so he had the demons drop you when you became to injured to go on. I don't know why he wants you but I do know for sure that he'll be back. But this time I'll be here to help you, right?" I moved to look at him and he wiped away the last tear on my face.

"Yeah." I felt unsure with my answer. I'm fated to have death follow me everywhere but if Evander's here, could he become a victim of my fate?

Word Count: 1,201

I updated early because my Spring Break starts today and I'll be on the road all Saturday so here is the early updates!

So Evander has traveled to the present time! Mirella told Evander about the voice she has been hearing and he intends to protect her. Does Evander meet an early death? Or will Mirella be able to protect him?

Also don't be afraid to tell me about any spelling or grammar mistakes I will take care of them as soon as I can! I try to catch all my mistakes but no ones perfect.

Please comment and vote!

Go check out my other stories too!

Till next time!


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