Chapter 5: Secrets

131 7 10

September 6th, 2018






"Lies." I sit up from my bed and slam my book down "I haven't found anything to solve the predicament we're in and now we're playing a word association game!" I say frustrated.

"It was supposed to calm you down but you're just an angry person." I heard that stupid British voice chuckle.

"I'm not angry." I say calmly. "I'm just frustrated." I hear him laugh again.

"That's what you've been saying for the past 13 days."

"Okay, I'm slightly angered." I let out a sigh.

"Just calm down. Tell me more about your time." He said with a soft tone that I often hear him use. "I'd love to hear more about The Twitter." He said confused. I smiled and I took a deep breath.

"I've said enough about my time. Tell me about yours." I said and stared up.
"I wish I could show you! There's magic everywhere and from what I've heard magic has disappeared from your time. It must be so dull."

"It's quite." I say in response.

"There are so many vibrant colors! I'm sure you would like them. Oh and the fairies! You do still have fairies, right?" He questioned.

"We only have one, the tooth fairy. She's kind of immortal."

"What could've happened between my time and yours? It sounds so dark!" I sigh as I question if I should say anything. "I know you know. And I can understand why you refuse to say anything. But I need to know." I start to feel guilty thinking about The Purge.

"No, you don't."

"Yes I do. I'm on The Board of Maagic I need to be ready for what will come." I scrunch my eyebrows together.

"The board of magic?" I ask. From the silence I could tell he had that same annoyed look on his face.

"You do have a Board of Magic?" He questioned. I shake my head but then remember he can't see me.

"I think I've heard about it once or twice but there hasn't been a Board of Magic since-" I stop myself sharply covering my mouth with my hand. I almost told him about the Purge of Magic.

"You can't leave me clueless." He said with a forced softness in his voice. "I just want to prevent what happened."

"That's what I'm worried about." I say silently but loud enough for him to hear.

"Why?" He ask with a slightly more angered voice.

"I don't know what will happen to my time. The events that happened shaped everything I know." I hear him sigh and a few footsteps.

"I promise not to stop the events...No madder how terrible they might be. Please, I need to know." I felt the pressure on my shoulders but I can't take his words for it. I might be completely wiped from existents.

"I can't." I say with a troubled tone. "I'm sorry I wish I could but... I can't." I couldn't say anymore, it was to hard to say anything. "I don't want to chan-"

"Mirella!" I hear Superior Leek's sing-song voice ringed out with anger clearly visible in her tone.

"What does she want now?" I grumble and stand from my bed but before I could make it to the door she swung it opened and looked around the room.

"I thought I heard a voice in hear." She said again with her sing song voice as she loomed over me. Superior Leek was an incredibly tall lady she was young and had a flawless complexion. She speaks with a sing-song voice always and its adds to her scary aura. The tone of her voice hides what she's feeling and no one is every sure what she is going to do next.

"No one but me in here." I wasn't lying. He's technically not in the room. Her eyes meet mine m. Her dark green eyes and her hight made me feel smaller and smaller.

"I always said you'd loss it one day. My dear, do you know anything about skin care? You look pale maybe a spell could fix all of this mess." She said and squished my cheeks. "Have you thought about contacts? Maybe you could cover those hideous red eyes behind brown contacts. Oh and your hair! Red is so unoriginal maybe you could change things up a bit." She criticized every attribute about me and I felt lesser each time.

"Look at those ridiculous nails! Green is not your color and they're all jagged. Don't you know how to use a nail file and maybe you should try..." Her words died off and I felt magic around me. It wasn't from the magic of the window but it was something stronger that I haven't felt before. "I have to go." She said like she was in a trance and walked out my room.

"What was that?" I ask as the door closed. I felt the magic aura drop and I stared at my door confused.

"She was annoying me." I hear the British voice ring through my room.

"What?" I turned but remember I can't see him. "You..." my voice died off a bit not sure what to say. "You did that?" It was silent for a few seconds.

"Yes, your Superiors are terrible people. Why do you stay there?" I hear a softness in his voice and I suddenly feel comforted.

"Where would I go?" I whispered.

"With your power you could have whatever you desire. I'm not talking about world domination, but you could leave." I shake my head to myself.

"No, there's to many things that lurk at night in my time." My mind travels to the first and last time I tried to leave, I promised myself to never leave again.

"Nothing can bet an Imerium's power."

"I might be an Imerium but I was raised as a witch. I'm not even a good witch!" I said angrily.

"I'm not going to lie to you. You are out of control and untrained. But you can't stay with those Superiors. Do any of them respect you or at least see you as an equal?" I stayed quiet. "Mirella..." his voice trailed off with a sigh. "Can you remove the cloaking spell?" I look at where the window is hidden and I scrunched my eyebrow together in confusion.

"I don't even know you name Mr. Magic Darcy. Why should I take down the spell?" I said unsure about it.

"Mr. Magic Darcy? What's that supposed to mean?" I remembered that Pride and Prejudice wasn't a thing yet and my joke was waisted on him.

"It doesn't matter." I sigh.

"Evander, my name is Evander Oran." I thought about it for a second the name did sound familiar but I have no idea where I heard it before.

"Remove animum dulcedine." I say and I see the red outline of the window and then I see Evander standing all proper but the look on his face was soft and it look sorrowful.

"Everything she told you was not true at all. She's blinded by her own self hate and she takes it out on the people who are better then her." I felt better hearing him say it. At first I though he was just spitting out words but the look on his face was too sincere.

"Thank you."

Word Count: 1221

So her Superiors are jerks! And she still hasn't learned how to close her mistake. Mirella found out his name was Evander.

Also don't be afraid to tell me about any spelling or grammar mistakes I will take care of them as soon as I can! I try to catch all my mistakes but no ones perfect

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Till next time!


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