Chapter 6: Inpulsa

130 6 6

September 8th, 2018

I was sitting in the forest with my books opened wide all around me. I wasn't reading anything I was just sitting hoping for an answer to come to me. Evander has been patient with the processes but with out the closing spell I'm lost and I burnt the rest of the book when I was angry so now I literally have nothing to work with.

I take a deep breath and the wind blew my long blood red hair back. As I closed my eyes to concentrate on the magic that surrounds me I hear the crunching of leafs. My eyes flash open and fear began to take a hold of me and old memories resurfaced. I turned to see what it could have been but I see nothing. I take a deep breath to calm my racing heart.

I began to clear up my books and I shook of the feeling of fear I had. I stand and I hear something in the distance falling. I freeze. My mind goes to what had happened to me so long ago in the woods. My fear begins to take a larger affect as the sunset disappear. I don't move from where I was standing and my hands grip tightly to one of my books.

"A-audite..." I whisper and my hearing enhances. I hear a heavy breathing with a growl. My eyes widen and I take off in a run back to the witches coven. Whatever was breathing is chasing me now and it was moving quickly. I was to far out to make it back in time.

"Ignis!" I scream as I run and behind me fire was lit as a wall. I turn and I watch as what was chasing me jumped through the flames.

"D-demon..." I say paralyzed by past torment and my fear. The demon was grotesque with massive wings. When they flapped in my direction I was knocked to the ground. The face was split down the center with one side looking like fire and the other like death. It roared out loudly and I screamed like it was a response to him.

"Terra!" A wall of earth grew between us. I stand and begin running again but just like the flames it couldn't hold him back. He was moving fast and I wasn't going to escape. I feel shape claws painfully grasp my arm. I pulled my arm free but the claws took a large amount of skin leaving me bleeding.

Bleeding wasn't good when running from a demon it makes you easier to track but I continued running knowing I was doomed.

"Inpulsa." I say as he grabs my other arm. My magic shocked him away and I ran faster. I held on to my left arm where I was bleeding out and I knew he was right behind me. I was about to use another spell when he caught me. His claw dug into the side of my face and tore the skin on my cheek. After that I was knocked to the ground again with another wind blast from his wings. The air was knocked out of me when the pressure hit my chest. I looked up and the demon and I felt my own blood flowing on my cheeks. The demon loomed over me and he put his face extremely close to mine. He roared spraying past victims blood on my face and I could smell flesh in his breath.

"Suscipe me in domum suam!" I closed my eyes and screamed the first thing that could come to my mind and when I look up again I was staring at my room celling. I was breathing heavily and I couldn't move still paralyzed by the fear I felt. I look at my arm and I saw my blood oozing out of the claw marks.

"Mirella!" I hear Evander say. "Is something wrong?" His voice echoed in my room and I look to where the window was, once again cloaked.

"I-I..." my voice strained for any words to come out.

"Take the cloaking off!" He yelled with an angry but worried tone. I was laying on the ground in pain and I couldn't move.

"R-remove animum dulcedine." I mumble with all the strength I could muster.

"Mirella!" I hear him yell out. "What happened? Are you okay? What did this to you?" I looked at him and I saw him standing at the rim of the window staring at me worried.

"It-it..." I breathed heavily and I held my left arm tighter. I felt more blood flow between my fingers. "Demon." I said and continued to breath as calmly as I could. I stare up at the celling breathing deeply.

"Demon? Aren't they trapped in hell? How did they come out?" I begin to calm down but I still can't move.

"The gates..." I breath in again. "Have been open for years. They rome about at night..." I exhale. "Praying on the weak. But they have a deal to leave the witches alone. I don't know what that thing was doing on witches territory."

"You need to come over to me. I can heal the cuts." His said frantically. I shake my head.

"I can't move." I said shakily. The image of that beast was haunting every thought I had.

"Mirella," his British voice said softly I looked him in the eyes and I saw the worry still plastered on him face. "You need to come over to me or else you could be seriously hurt." I nodded my head understanding what needed to be done. I lift myself into a sitting position and I feel a ping of pain in my arm. I bit my bleeding lip to stop me from screaming and I felt blood trickle into my mouth from the open gash on my cheek. That cut had broken all the way threw and I had two holes in my mouth now.

I shakily stand and move over to him. He reached a hand out to me and I placed my left hand in his hold.

"This isn't going to take long at all." I nodded and turned my head away. Something in me didn't want to see what was going to happen instead I stared at the ground. "You can look now." I turn my eyes to my arm and see the claw marks gone and all that was left was the dried blood. "Let's work on your face now." He reached a hand out to my face and I flinched. "It's okay." He said softly. "Just keep your eyes on me." I looked right into his brown eyes and he placed his hand over my cuts. I could feel the magic radiate off him and I felt my skin pulling back into place. He kept his eyes locked with me the whole time and it was comforting how he looked at me with care. I was mainly trapped by the was his touch made my feel. It felt strangely normal to have him there and I calmed my heart that was rapidly beating in my chest. He moved his hand from my face but his eyes stay right on me.

"Is-is" my voice chocked out. "Is it done?" I questioned. His eyes moved off mine and looked to the ground with what looked like an embarrassed look.

"Good as new." He looked up at me again but he was much more serious and concerned look. "Now, tell me what happened."

Word Count: 1,222

So they're has been a mysterious attack on her. Something happened to her in the past that has her scared. What will they both do next? Keep reading.

Also don't be afraid to tell me about any spelling or grammar mistakes I will take care of them as soon as I can! I try to catch all my mistakes but no ones perfect

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Till next time!


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