Chapter 27: Rampage

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October 8th, 2018 5:47pm

I ran threw the forest with my quick speed but I knew I wasn't going to out run demons. I had to pick up my place to make a stand. I ran tiredly towards the canyon I was running in a few days ago.

With the little amount of sunlight left I tired to slid down one of the less steep sides of the canyon but I slipped and tumbled down.

"Oh," I say when I come to a stop at the bottom. "That one hurt." I let out with a cough. I looked up and saw the faster demons and the ones with wings come closer to me.

"Letum inimico!" The demons that were in my magic range shriveled up and disintegrated giving me enough time to get on my feet. As I stood I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I look down to see a broken glass bottle wedge in my leg. I pulled and I watch as at lest two inches of glass came out of my leg. I knew I wasn't able to walk or run anymore so this was where I was going to have to wait for the demons. With the smell of blood it would be easier for them to find me and with how many there was I will eventually run out of magic power. I look up and see one of those small hunched backs coming closer.

"Inpulsa." The thing flew back to the top and hurried back down with twelve more demons. "Rigescunt indutae!" About half of them turned to stone and rolled down the hill to where I was. I threw myself out of the way and I feel pain in my leg where I laid.

"Damn it!" I say and I hold my leg. "Crescere!" I scream and vines sprouted up and pulled the demons down into the earth trapping them. I could feel myself losing energy quickly with my hurt leg and all the magic I had been using. If I continue on like this I would be dead before the demons could ever kill me. I saw the hoard of demons coming, there was more then I could count and they were each more powerful then that last.

"Fulgur!" Lightning came and struck the ones closest to where I laid. I coughed and I felt myself becoming sleepy. I knew I couldn't keep going. In the darkness I see more demons then before coming closer.

This was it, I was going to die. The next generation of magic will die with me as well. My fate had finally caught up to me but at lest it hadn't gotten Evander.

Evander. I wouldn't see him again. The last thing I said to him was that I loved him. I guess I got a goodbye but now he was trapped in my time mostly likely confused with the difference. I smiled as I remembered all the moments I had with him even if it was just us talking threw the cloaked time warp.

I feel my blood pooling and my jeans were drench in my own blood. The demons where now one foot away from me. I closed my eyes and held my breath waiting for the attack.

"Mirella!" My eyes shot open as I hear that beautiful British voice!
"Evander?" I say right before one of the demons attacked "AH!" I scream out as it tour apart my whole torso leavening me bleeding more.

"Stop!" I heard Evander's voice booming and the demons stopped and retreated to into the darkness of the night. I tried to keep my eyes open to see Evander but I had been torn apart and I couldn't more or speak but I still heard everything Evander was saying. "Come on! Your too stubborn to die!" I felt like my body was pulling itself back together and I remembered the healing abilities Evander has.

I cough as my body heals. I open my eyes to see Evander looking down at my with worry and love. He's expensive cloths were tattered and his usually perfect hair was standing up. I wasn't sure what to say. For all I know this could be one of "Evander's" tricks to make me hurt more.

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