Chapter 29: Goodbye

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October 9th, 2018

I sat outside with Evander enjoying the world around us. I hadn't been able to be calm like this before and it was different to me. Having Evander next to me as I lean on him was new and exciting but I knew this was it. I would never see him again.

I was so scared about never seeing him again I clung to his hand tightly and he held mine just as tight. I had a feeling that he knew what was coming but I still wanted to pretend that nothing was happening.

"I want to show you something." He stood up still clinging to my hand.

"I might be slow." I said as I stood. He chuckled and pulled me up.

"I got you." I lifted me up in a bridle hold and I screeched from surprise. "Let's go." He began walking and I held on to him tightly

"If you drop me I'll never forgive you." He chuckled.

"I promise nothing will happen to you, I swear." I smile lightly and hold myself close to him. I really had fallen for him but with him being from another time I have to say goodbye.

"Mirella," I hear him say. I stare into his eyes as he looked forward as he walked. "I know I have to go back. I just want you to know-"

"Please." I say cutting him off. "I want to pretend your not going anywhere for as long as I can." He stopped walking to look me in the eyes. He nodded and then placed me down.

"Sit here. I'll be right back." I nod and sit on a bench in the garden.

I wait alone to see what he wanted to show me. I waited till I saw some kind of lights fly from the plants and filled the sky. Even in the bright light of morning it was still beautiful. I saw every color of the light spectrum and they shined bright.

"What is this?" I thought aloud as I smiled.

"Fireflies, at lest my type of fireflies." I look over and see Evander standing in front of me. "They shine in sunlight because of how there wings reflects the sun like a rainbow." I smile as he helps me on to my feet. "I thought you might want to see."

"Thank you. I love it here it's so alive and magical." He looked at me and smiled.

"You can stay here. You won't be affected by time and you would be safe. There's Imerium book that you could study and this area would be safe for you to practice." I smiled but it was small. I wouldn't be alone I would have the fairies but I wouldn't have Evander.

"Yeah, I could." He noticed my tone and he pulled me in a hug.

"I know you said you didn't want to talk about it but I have somethings to say." I hide my face against his chest and waited to hear what he had to say. "I'll be going back to my time, where I belong."

"What if I went with you?" I hurried to say.

"That's what started all this. Besides that's not where you belong. You belong here." My tears started to fall into his fancy coat jacket as
I tried to hide it. "Mirella, I love you but we were never supposed to meet." I gripped on to his jacket and nodded. He pulled me back and moved my face to look at him. I tried to hold back tears but they slowly fell down my face.
"Please, don't cry. This hurts me too and seeing you cry will only make it harder to leave." I nodded as he wiped the tears away with his thumb. "How long did Lila say we have?" I took a deep breath.

"Till the end of the day." He pulled me back in to a tight hug and took a deep breath.

"I want to make the most of it with you." I nodded again.

"Then don't let go of me." I felt his chest rise as he chuckled.

"I don't plan on letting you go till I have to." I smiled as we stood in each other's arms

Later in the day me and Evander were sitting in the garden smiling with each other. But both of us were just trying to ignore how this would end.

"Mirella, Evander, its time." I heard Lila say. I looked up at Evander and sighed. He picked me up like he did before and he walked into the Manor where Lila had already opened the doorway to their time.

"Evander I'll meet you on the other side." He nodded as he placed me on the ground and she walked through leaving us alone.

"Mirella I..." He trailed off as I broke down crying and I fell on to my knees. He quickly went down beside me and hugged me.

"I don't want to say goodbye! I've said goodbye to everything already I don't want to lose you too!"

"I know." He said as I cried. "I don't want to go either but in the end I'm just lucky enough to have met you in the first place." I cried into his shoulder as I listened to him talk. "Mirella," I looked up at him and he kissed me for the last time. Every single time is just as shocking and even more wonderful then that last. We pulled away and he lifted me off the ground and on to my feet. I started to calm down and he placed both of his hands on my cheek and he stared in to my eyes.

"I have to go." He whipped away some tears as I nodded. "I do truly love you." I smile as more tears fell which he quickly wiped away.

"And I truly love you." I smiled and he smiled back. He kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes taking it in when I felt him move away from me completely I still kept my eyes close till I opened them and saw he was gone and the door way was closed.

I fell on to the ground in tears and I cried till I had nothing left to cry. Lily, the small fairy that I helped, was on my shoulder trying her best to comfort me and I appreciated it.

Once my tears were all dried up I hobbled up the stairs and went to sleep with memories of Evander filling my mind.

Word Count: 1,098

He's gone that's the last chapter but don't you worry! There's an Epilogue!

Also don't be afraid to tell me about any spelling or grammar mistakes I will take care of them as soon as I can! I try to catch all my mistakes but no ones perfect

Also go check out my other stories!

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Till next time!

Bye-bye 👋🏻

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