Chapter 19: The Raven

107 5 16

October 1st, 2018

We stayed in the time pocket with Evander and the fairies for a while. Vivian was confused with everything that had happened the past few days but I reassure her I know what I'm doing when in truth, I have no clue!

I let Evander into our time and I haven't even looked at the possible consequences! I keep staring at the book but something in me doesn't want to know. I want to be ignorant to the problems I could have caused.

The fairies keep us all busy around this area. Evander has conversations with them daily and Vivian is constantly experimenting on the strange plants in the garden around the house. She says she's trying to make a healing potion for emergencies but everything keeps blowing up in her face.

I don't do much but flip through the Imperium spell books Lila had given me. I sit at a desk in the room I had picked for myself. It was placed where I could look out the window to the gate entrance. The border of this spell was held together with a wall that had a spell built in with each individual block. To take the time pocket away the wall would have to be demolished till each block was nothing but dust so we have a strong barrier. But that doesn't mean people can't walk in. I've had to place a spell to block out those demons but even with both spells up I'm still doubtful that it'll be enough against our enemies.

Vivian and Evander are both staying calm but I can't help but panic every moment I look out my window. I keep seeing something out there but I can't see it fully. It's just a feeling of someone looking right back at me but that's impossible with the time pocket spell still up. From the outside it just looks like a crumbling house. But I do know one thing, whatever is out there is human. It's not a demon, I would know the difference.

"Mirella?" I hear Vivian say. I turn in my chair at my desk and look at her. "I wanted to talk to you about Evander. Are you sure you made the right decision bringing him here? I know you said you trust him but doesn't time have consequences?" I nodded and she sighed. "Then maybe we should send him back and open the window next time we need him."

"That would only cause more problems. I'm the only one that can open it so what would happen if I was unable to open it, you would be alone." She shakes her head and sits on the end be of my bed.

"I think you just have a crush on him." I feel my cheeks go red and I struggled to get any words out of my mouth.

"I-that-um-Vivian!" I was finally able to yell out. I turned my face away from her and I heard her chuckle.

"See? Look at how flustered you are!" She laughed.

"Vivian," I said calmly, "what I feel is not your concern!" I said and she gasped.

"You're not denying it!" She laughed. I felt my face burn from the heat in my cheeks and I flung my head into my hands.

"Vivian!" I yelled out as she laughed.

"I don't blame you, he's pretty great! But if that's what clouding your judgement you have to see the sense in the situation." I stayed hidden behind my hands for awhile as I considered her words.

"My judgement isn't clouded. If anything I don't listen to what my heart wants. I've close the window before without so much as a goodbye. And I barely wanted to come here when I found it." I turn back to her and she looked confused.

"So, you like him but don't want to be around him or anything that reminds you of him?" I stayed silent taking in her words.

"No, I want to be around him but I had to make the right decision. And yes, I didn't want to be around anything that reminded me of him." I let out a sigh.

"You like him. Just expect it." She said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and stood from the desk with my book in my hand.

"I'm leaving." I move out of the room with her laughing. I decided to head outside and see if I can get a better look at who ever was out there earlier. As I stood at the top of the stairs I looked at the bottom and saw Evander walking up.

"Mirella," He said and bowed like the fancy person he is. I panicked for a minute and curtsied back at him but I'm sure I looked awkward in my jeans and still torn shirt. "Are you heading out?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I was going to get some fresh air and think." I said and moved my book to my side and slowly moved it behind my back to kind of hide it from him, but that didn't work.

"What's in you're hand?" He asked as he walked farther up the stairs.

"Just a book. It's nothing special." I lied. This book has every information about demons ever known. I had stolen it from the coven's library after my first encounter with demons.

"Okay," He said not pushing me for the answer. "Be careful." He said he looked at me from the other side of the staircase now and I saw a sad expression in his face before he left. I felt my heart beat quickly and I took a deep breath in. I know I like him, it's not a secret to myself but he's from a different time. I can never be with him. It's better to push the thought out of my head now instead of letting it fester. I don't want to be hurt. I push the door's open and I walk to the very edge where I saw the figure from my window I looked into the dark woods and stared. Someone was there.

"Come out!" I said loudly and held my book close to myself. I hear leaves moving in the trees like an animal. After more sounds a raven flew out towards me but fell flat due to the spell I held around the border. It dropped slightly but quickly recovered. It flew in place like it was looking at me, but it shouldn't see anything. It squawked at me and flew off.  Did that bird see me? If it did, how?

If that raven actually saw me, what else can?

Word Count: 1,119

So Mirella is paranoid, as always! Evander is in their time but even Vivian isn't sure about it. Also there's a creepy raven watching them, or someone else is. Keep reading to find out what happens next!

Also don't be afraid to tell me about any spelling or grammar mistakes I will take care of them as soon as I can! I try to catch all my mistakes but no ones perfect.

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Till next time!


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