Chapter 11: Mirella

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September 10th, 2018 6:46 am

I crawled out of bed with out a wink of sleep. I was terrified with out the window in my room, I felt truly alone. I stood and walked to my window. I slowly pulled back the curtains and I didn't see anything. I grabbed a hoodie and slip on a good pair of shoes, in case I needed to run.

Lila told me I had to connect with the forest to have control of my natural magic. I figured if I went early in the morning I would have a better chance of no demons to show up.

I'm actually worried that something is waiting for me in the woods. If I go out to far I know I'll be caught in another bad situation but she also told me I need to be in a  secluded area.I silently moved out the door of the coven's mansion and hurried to the woods. As I stood on the edge of the stairs and the forest I feel a chill run down my spin.

"Come on! You can do this! It just a spell to connected with the land!" I clutch the book in my hands and slowly walk into the forest. I've been here before so I shouldn't be so scared but the attack happened recently and I still feel the nerves i had that night.

There's a soft sunlight showing through the trees but even with the small light it was still difficult to see two feet in front of me. As I walked farther in my whole body tensed up every time I heard a noise, even my own breathing was unnerving.


I hear but it was faint and distant. I stop where I was and open my book quickly. I flip through pages and I rip a few as I frantically search for my spell. That demon was fast, I have no idea how long it'll be until it finds me.

"Coniugere anima mea usque ad term!" I say quickly. There's a rush of wind around me and I felt the earth move underneath my feet. I drop down feeling unbalanced. Rain started to fall even with the sky completely clear but it only dropped on me. There was a fire that shot up quickly and I watched as it danced in front of me.


It was louder this time, closer. I felt a rush of power and my eyes started to hurt to hold open. I closed my eyes tightly and I suddenly get a splitting headache I couldn't help but  fall flat on my back. I feel the heat of the fire on my skin, the rain dripping onto my face, the Earth moving underneath me, and the wind whipping at the small amount of hair that escaped my hair tie. I couldn't move I felt an overwhelming pressure over every part of my body.

"Mirella!" I heard that annoyingly familiar British accent say but it wasn't actually here. The voice was like a distance memory but it couldn't have been. Evander has never screamed out my name like that. He's voice was always so full of annoyance and sometimes worry, but not this one. This one was terrified, it was like he was asking me to run with that scream, but run from what?

I was finally able to open my eyes again but when I did lightning struck right next to my head. I tensed up and I hear a terrifying noise, breathing . A deep and heavy breathing and it's not mine. I quickly stand up and examine my area. The fire was gone and all that was left was scorch marks. The rain had stopped leaving small puddles. The earth was shifted unevenly and leaves where on the ground from the wind.

Even after looking at all of it I still didn't see the demon but I heard the breathing... from above. I slowly look up and I see a different demon. This one was skinny and every bone was easily seen. It was like a skeleton with dark red blood as a thin layer of skin. It was hanging by the legs and stared at me with white eyes. It's blood-like-skin dripped on to my face but I was frozen with fear. I can't move and my vocal cords refused to work.


"AHHHH!" I was finally able to let out my scream. It began to drop down and my hands flew up to block myself from it. I waited for impact but it never came I listened very carefully but I heard nothing, not even the breathing. I look up and my jaw dropped. The demon was petrified. I staggered back and stared at it. It was frozen in mid air and I watched as the body slowly melted to nothing.

I wipe off the blood that had dropped onto my face and take in a deep breath. I slowly move away until I was able to run out. As I ran my thoughts were all jumbled with questions. What had happened? Lila said the elements would respond to the spell but I didn't think it would happen like that. I don't understand why there was lightning and why was the demon different this time? Was I the one who stopped it from moving to me? But most importantly why did I hear Evander?

My mind wondered to a memory of Evander.  He was scolding me for being ignorant of my heritage but it wasn't a rude glare but it was more playful, or at lest as much of a playful look he could give me.

I quickly move up the stairs and I slam my room door behind me and I let out a breath. My eyes slowly drift over to me bed, or more importantly, what I hid underneath. I shake the thought out of my head and I stared at where the window use to be.

"What is wrong with me? It's over! I will not open it again!" I say out loud in an attempt to convince myself but my mind was still fighting for me to open it.

I walk pass my mirror and I notice a mark on my cheek. I do a double check and look closely. My skin looked burned, right where that blood-like-skin dropped on me. I don't remember feeling any pain but when I reached up and placed my hand on it I felt a sharp burn. I look at my fingers that had whipped it off before but I wasn't burned there. Whatever was dripping off the demon was poison at first touch. I don't think it'll ever go away either, a reminder of today's strange event.

Word Count: 1,131

So Mirella was able to connect to the land and she'll have new kinds of powers that she won't know how to use. She wants to open the window just to have Evander's voice back but she's to smart to open it, right? I guess the only way to know would be to keep reading.

Also don't be afraid to tell me about any spelling or grammar mistakes I will take care of them as soon as I can! I try to catch all my mistakes but no ones perfect

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Till next time!

Bye-bye 👋🏻

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