Chapter 26

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(I do not own the image, it belongs to its rightful owner.)

Akira opened her eyes, see empty white space and that she was floating. Memories rushed through her skull as she remembered sending out a large shock-wave caused by a giant phoenix to cure Kenny and the people from the Nazi zombie virus. Eyes filled with unshed tears, Akira smiled sadly, "It worked........I hope everyone in town was cured and knowing my parents will be safe from him," she muttered, "Am I in Limbo?"

"Hello Akira," a feminine voice spoke behind Akira who froze recognizing the voice. Slowly turning around, Akira felt her tears streaming down her face from seeing her grandmother who was standing in front of her with a smile and open arms, "Are you not going to give your grandma a hug? I'm not getting any younger here." Running into Aurora's open arms, Akira almost knocked her grandmother to the ground, "Whoa, easy there, Firefly, I'm here. I am here now," Aurora comforted Akira who crying in her grandmother's embrace. Slightly pulling away, Aurora cupped Akira's face, wiping away her tears, "My look how much you've grown. You have turned out to be a strong and beautiful young woman," Aurora complimented.

"Mom and Dad miss you, especially me. I've missed you so much," Akira confessed, she sent her grandma a watery smile, "The Bastard, he found me in South Park and he tried to blow up the town from a virus that turned people into Nazi zombies. I sent out a shock-wave to save everyone and now I am here."

"Oh Akira, I wish none of this ever happened to you," Aurora confessed, "You shouldn't even be here."

"Grandma, what do me I shouldn't be here?" Akira asked, staring at her grandmother in worry.

"You have unfinished business," Aurora told," There is something else that you and Sol must face together, and you must return home."

"I can't return, Grandma, I sacrificed my life to save everyone in town, remember?" Akira questioned as Aurora turned her head away from Akira, looking into the distance with a dazed look. "Grandma, is there something wrong?" Akira asked concerned.

"Your friends are waiting for you. Go, return to your friends" Aurora told, "We will see each again, when the time is right. Tell your parents I said hello and I miss them very much."

"Grandma, what are you talking about?" Akira asked in confusion as Aurora kissed Akira on her forehead and she felt herself being pulled away from Aurora, "Grandma! GRANDMA!!!!!!" Aurora waved goodbye to her granddaughter as she closed her eyes.

Moments before Akira was sent back, her friends were mourning over her body as a ball of fire appeared above Akira's chest. Ike saw the ball of fire with wide startled eyes as he tugged on Kyle's sleeve, "What is it, Ike?" Kyle asked as he and others have kept their eyes away from Akira's motionless body.

"Look!" Ike yelled, pointing at Akira's body as everyone gasped when they saw the floating ball of fire. The floating ball of fire began swirling above her body and her wounds she got from fighting Princess Kenny began to heal as the ball of fire morphed into a phoenix before entering her body.

"A-Akira," Kenny hesitantly called as everyone watched with batted breath, hoping that Akira will wake up.

Opening her heavy eyelids, she saw blurry figures before her vision cleared and everyone was smiling to see her awake including the goths which surprised her. Sitting up she saw that flowers were surrounding her body and that her wounds were healed, "Hey guys," she hoarsely greeted as she felt her throat was dry.

"Akira/Kira/Siren!" they all cried out in happiness before everyone put Akira in a big and I mean a really BIG group hug. The goths reluctantly joined the group hug as they were relieved that Akira was alive and okay as did everybody else.

"How are you alive? I checked your pulse," Kenny questioned.

"My grandma sent me back," Akira told, "She said I had unfinished business to tend to."

"What is it?" Craig asked.

"I don't know but I'm going to find out," Akira answered.

"We are glad that you are okay," Wendy told, "You gave us quite a scare."

The sun began to rise, "Heh, a new dawn has risen," Akira muttered gazing at the rising sun.

'Akira, I am glad you're okay,' Sol told, 'There is something important I must tell you.'

'What is it?' Akira mentally asked.

'The Dark Phoenix stone has vanished,' Sol informed.

'Someone took it and are planing on release the being inside,' Akira concluded as Sol silently agreed with her, 'We'll face this thing together.'



I hope everyone enjoyed reading this story as I have come to enjoy writing it.

Have a wonderful day or night!

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