Chapter 6

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A/N I changed the title for this story so it wouldn't be so long.

Unlocking the basement's door, Craig opened the door for Kira and Butters as she was about to go after Butters since he went through first she was stopped by Craig. "Listen I... I want to-" he was interrupted by Kira who raised her hand to stop him from continuing on.

"We can talk later after we get the Stick," Kira told as she went through the door to see Butters defeating a elf by himself.

"AHGHGH! Someone help!!" Cartman yelled from the kitchen.

Entering the kitchen they saw three elves beating Cartman up, after defeating the elves Butters bowed to Kira, "Your word is my command, Milady. Shall I heal the king, my lady? Or maybe let him suffer just a little bit more?" Butters asked.

"Let's make him suffer just a little bit more," Kira answered smirking when Cartman glared at them.

"Screw you guys! Just fucking heal me already!" Cartman demanded.

"You heard the king, heal him," Kira ordered as she watched Butters heal Cartman.

Going back into his character, "His powers were too strong- the Bard. He's up in one of the rooms. They took Princess Kenny! They took her upstairs. I'm sure they're going to rape her. Don't let them rape Princess Kenny! Mehhh...." Cartman ordered as he fainted.

"The Wizard King is done for! Take out the New Kid while I go upstairs and make contact with the King of Elves," Kira heard as she and Butters exit the kitchen. Seeing more blockades, Kira summons to destroy the two blockades, one in front of her and the other blocking the front door.

Destroying the two blockades, Tweek and Token rushed into the house, "For the KKK!" Token yelled as Kira was feeling slightly light headed and felt something wet under her nose. Touching under her nose she saw blood on her fingers, quickly wiping off the blood from her nose while making sure no one saw she had a bloody nose from using her powers. Once Tweek, Token and Butters defeated the elves without Kira's help, Craig joined them a few minutes later, "Where's the king?" Token asked.

"He's over there! He's hurt bad!" Craig answered pointing at the kitchen.

"Good thing my Medicine skills are plus four!" Token commented as he and Tweek head to the kitchen leaving Craig with Kira and Butters.

"We'll revive the wizard! You guys get upstairs!" Craig ordered as he glanced at Kira who was exhausted from using too many of her strong fire magic that she hasn't trained with yet. Tiredly jogging upstairs Kira busted into the room Princess Kenny was trapped in as she punched the elf unconscious while Butters freed Kenny. Exiting out of the room she, Kenny and Butters saw Cartman, Tweek, Token and Craig who was trying to pick-lock the door.

"Princess Kenny!! How badly did they rape you?" Cartman questioned.

"Not to badly," Kenny answered.

"I can't get through! The door appears to be enchanted so I can't turn the knob!" Craig informed backing away from the door.

Cartman tries to turn the doorknob and then bangs his wizard staff on the door, "YOU CAN'T HOLD THE DOORKNOB, BARD! THAT'S CHEATING!" Cartman yelled.

"Yeah, I can. I have the Stick of Truth which means I control the universe and I say holding the doorknob is okay," the Bard's muffled voice countered.

"Ungh, can he do that?" Cartman questioned.

"He has the Stick of Truth, he can do what he wants," Craig answered.

"Dammit!" Cartman yelled, "There's GOT to be another way into this room!" Surveying her surroundings, Kira saw an attic door open with an elf inside the attic, tapping Kenny's shoulder she points at the attic as Kenny pulls down his dress showing off his chest. As the elf climbed down the attic's ladder Kenny smacked the elf with a mirror, "Good job Princess Gone Wild. Double D buddy powers," Cartman commented unimpressed.

"Everyone stay here. I'll deal with the Bard myself since I can counter his music with my own," Kira ordered, climbing up the ladder before anyone can stop her, traveling through the attic she accidentally stepped on a weak floor board falling down into the room the Bard is in. Startling him from her sudden appearance she groaned slightly from her fall, "Please, give me the Stick. I don't want to fight someone who is disabled and you are out numbered," Kira told the Bard. Thinking it over the Bard handed Kira the Stick of Truth, "Thank you," she thanked, glad that she wouldn't have to fight him.

"Y-you're welcome. I wish you weren't on f-fatass's team and joined the elves with your w-wonderful singing voice, Fiery Siren," the Bard smiled at Kira.

"Fiery Siren? I like it. I hope once this is all over we can be friends. My names Kira," she introduced herself.

"J-Jimmy," he told her as Kira opened the door to let the fatass in.

"We have the Stick let's return back to Kupa Keep," Kira informed them as they cheered that the Stick of Truth was back in human hands.

Returning to Cartman's house, the wizard placed the Stick back on its pedestal, "The Stick of Truth is back from where it belongs! Great job men and lady," Cartman praised, "Douche-" he was interrupted by Kira.

"I want to be called Fiery Siren or just Siren no Douchebag," Kira compromised with Cartman who was thinking it over.

"Siren, for your heroic deeds and valiant self sacrifice at the great Battle of The Giggling Donkey, I hereby make you an official member of the Kingdom of Kupa Keep. Welcome to the KKK!" Cartman announced as everyone clapped for Kira joining their group.

Mrs. Cartman opened the backdoor, "It's getting late. The Grand Wizard needs to go night-night," she informed.

Cartman places his hand over his eyes embarrassed, "Okay, mom- thanks for pointing out bedtime for everyone," Cartman sarcastically told his mother.

"It's a school night, hon. You and your little Druid friends need to-" she was interrupted by her son.


"That's it You're going to bed. The rest of you better get home too," Mrs. Cartman informed dragging Cartman inside.

Fiery Siren (South Park: Stick of Truth)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant