Chapter 3

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"So who's the closest after Token, Butters? Tweek or Craig?" Kira asked as they watched Token's mom drive Token to Cartman's house.

"Tweek works at his parent's coffee shop, so he's the closest," Butters answered, leading Kira to Tweek's parents' coffee shop. Walking past the movie theater only to hear something or someone trying to catch Butters and Kira's attention.

"Psssst. Psssst, hey. Over here," a strange man called them from behind a tree.

"Butters, watch my back. If anything happens call 911," Kira whispered as she approached the strange man, Kira's body began to tense ready to fight if this man tried anything funny.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you," the strange man reassured but she wasn't buying it as Kira glared at him. "It's me! AL GORE!" Al Gore exclaimed as Kira's eyes begin to twitch, 'Oh, dear lord, please don't let it be some weirdo,' she mentally prayed. "You know, Al Gore! I'm super important," he informed.

"Sorry sir but I have never heard of you," Kira bluntly stated to the weird man.

Ignoring her blunt response, "All right, look - I've detected some VERY strange activity in this area," Al Gore informed, 'Are you sure it's not just you?' Kira mentally questioned. "I believe we are dealing with.....MANBEARPIG!" Al Gore exclaimed, Kira turned her face toward the heavens, 'Lord give me strength for this nut job,' Kira mentally prayed as Al Gore continued, "Yes, THE ManBearPig. I know you're scared but I need help."

"What do you need help with?" Kira asked with a sarcastic smile and a twitching brow of irritation.

"Take these and place them in the locations specified on the ManBearMap. Pig," Al Gore handed her three sensors, "And now I'm going to make you my friend on Facebook. This is VERY prestigious. You have my email now but don't give it out to ANYBODY. I'm super cereal." Kira deadpanned at what he just said, 'Super.....cereal? I this guy mental or something?' Kira thought.

Returning to Butters, Kira and him arrived at Tweek Bros Coffee as they entered the building, "Welcome to Tweek Coffee. Coffee made with ingredients supplied by local organic suppliers. It's local coffee. Brewed locally," they were greeted by Tweek's father. 

"Hello sir but we were wondering if Tweek could come and play with us?" Kira asked. 

"Sure thing let me go ask him. TWEEK?! TWEEEEEEK!!!" his father called.

"Ahgh!!!!" a muffled scream was heard from behind the employees only door.

"Have you picked up the fresh local ingredients?!" Tweek's father questioned.


"Well hurry up, son, the family business is relying on you!" his father exclaimed in Kira's opinion Tweek's dad is putting to much pressure on his son. 

"Sir is it okay if we can help Tweek finish his chores faster?" Kira politely asked.

"I don't see why not," Tweek's father agreed.

"Thank you," she entered the employees door with Butters, Kira saw a boy with frazzled blonde hair and a shirt that was messily buttoned, 'I wish his father would stop pressuring him,' Kira thought feeling bad for Tweek.

"AHGHGHGH! How am I supposed to do all this?! There's no way, man! Starbucks has like eight employees!! Here it's just me!!! AHGHGHGH!!!" Tweek stressfully ranted to himself as he saw Kira and Butters. Handing him the letter from Cartman, "What's this?! AHGHGHGH!! NOW?!?! The guys need me now?! Oh there's no way man! I have WAY too much to do!" Tweek ranted stressing out.

"Hey, hey calm down okay?" Kira gently coaxed Tweek, "Take a deep breath with me," but he was still stressing so Kira began to sing when she felt stressed.

  (I do not own any of the music they belong to their rightful owners.)  

~Cast away your worries, my dear

For tomorrow comes a new day

Hold to me, you've nothing to fear

For your dreams are not far away

As you lay your head and you rest

May your dreams take over my love

Listen close, my son of the west

For your destiny lies above

Though the world is cruel

There's a light that still shines

In the darkest days of our lives

When all hope seems lost

And you can't find your way

Think of me as you look to the sky

Child mine, your future is bright

For your father's blood's in your veins

In dark times, I pray you will fight

For the world will soon know your name~

Tweek finally calmed down Kira offered to help, "How about I help you with the rest your chores?"

"Okay, can you get the four o'clock delivery for me? If you can do that I can finish here and then - and then I'll still have time to play!" Tweek agreed, "The order is at Kenny's house - like always! You can give them THIS - They'll give you the delivery!"

He handed Kira an envelope, nodding her head as a goodbye she and Butters left the coffee shop, "Butters, can you please show me where Kenny lives?" she asked as he nods his head happily. Butters lead Kira through the children's playground, past a neighborhood then over old train tracks to a run down house, Kira approached the door and knocked.

A woman with messy red hair opened the door, "What?" Kenny's mother asked as Kira hands her the envelope, "Ah, this isn't for ME. This is for the nice people renting the guest house out in the back."

"Thank you, ma'am," Kira thanked as she and Butters walks toward the renovated garage, entering the guest house they saw three meth people, "Um, do you have the package for Tweek Coffee?"

"Yeah, yeah. We got the package for Tweek Coffee. You got the envelope?" one of them asked.

"Here you go, sir," Kira handed over the envelope as she held her breath at how bad they smelled.

"Hey.......that's not the usual kid that picks up the package," a man wearing a mustache concluded.

"Huh? Oh shit! IT'S A COP!" a man wearing a beanie exclaimed, after awhile of fighting the three meth heads, Kira took the package for Tweek and limped outside.

Once outside Butters healed all of Kira's injuries, "Thanks, Butters," she thanked as they head back to Tweek. Arriving at Tweek Bros Coffee, they entered the building to deliver the package to Tweek in the back, they entered the employees door.

Tweek saw Kira enter with the package in her arms, "You did it! YOU GOT THE PICKUP! OH THANKS, MAN!" Tweek thanked as Kira hands him the package, "Dad! I finished my work, can I go play?"

"Where's today's delivery?" Tweek's father asked walking toward his son.

"Right here!" Tweek handed the package to his father who dipped his finger into it and put his finger in his mouth.

"Hm, yep that's good shit," Tweek's father praised as Kira's mouth dropped open, shocked that they drug their coffee, "Alright, Tweek, you can play for a little bit. But be home before dark or you'll be grounded."

"Yay!" Tweek cheered.

"Grounded like fresh grinds of our all organic Tweek blend, made with ingredients from local tweekers," Tweek's dad talked like he was doing a commercial.

"Thanks! I gotta go get changed then I'll meet you at the kingdom!" Tweek thanked running off to change into his costume.

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