Chapter 13

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After leaving Stan's house, Kira and Stan were looking for the last item they needed for the goths to join Kyle's faction. They have been walking around town for a while now searching for the cigarettes until they heard voices from the alleyway near Jimbo's Guns, 'Finally, I want to get this over with and see the construction sight for the Taco bell. Is it really that big of a deal to put up so many signs stating about a "Large Taco Bell Coming soon?"' Kira mentally questioned.

'Careful Kira you will be facing some college delinquents in the alley,' Sol warned her in Kira's head as she mentally gave him a smile of gratitude.

'Akira,' she startled Sol with that confusing him.

'What?' Sol asked.

'My real name is Akira. I thought since you and I will be working together from now on that I give you my real name and not my nickname,' Akira mentally told the phoenix.

'Will you be telling your new friends your real name?' Sol questioned.

'I......I don't know, Sol. I told Craig about my past which was a huge mistake on my part, I haven't known him long and I already spilled my past to him. I'm such an idiot!' she mentally confessed before she began to berating herself as Stan and Akira were arriving closer to the alley.

'You are not an idiot. Did Craig promise to keep your secret?' Sol asked as Akira mentally shook her head yes, 'Then he is one to be trusted. The only way to heal from the past is to talk about it before you can recover. But we will talk later when you get home for now be careful and don't do anything stupid but knowing you for a little while you would do the complete opposite.'

Akira cleared her throat at the entrance to the alleyway after she was done being mentally prepared for anything, catching the college delinquents attentions, "You know smoking near a gun shop that probably has a no smoking sign was not the wisest of decisions gentlemen," she informed as she confidently leaned against the building crossing her arms while Stan looked a little nervous.

"What does an emo chic and her nerdy friend gonna do about it?" the leader of the three delinquents menacingly questioned.

A smirk made its way onto Akira's black covered lips, "Oh I don't know maybe....... call the cops because your buddy over their admitted to stealing some packs of cigarettes and I also recorded the whole exchange. Now what will it be gentlemen are you going to do the right thing or am I have to beat you to a pulp for you to learn your lesson?" she threatened.

"Let's teach this emo punk for thinking she can be better than us!" the leader ordered as Akira's smirk widening at his poor attempt to intimidate her.

"Bring it on.... Oh and for your information I'm goth not emo get your facts straight," Akira said pushing herself off the wall as the leader and one of the delinquents chose to fight Akira as the other one was fighting against Stan. As the two neared Akira she cracked her knuckles, "Let's dance." The leader threw a punch toward Kira's head but she ducked down and rolled to her left as delinquent number one tried to slam his foot down on her but she dodged both their attacks, "Is that the best you got?" Akira taunted. While dodging and blocking the leader's and delinquent number one's punches she missed one punch from the leader that busted her lip, touching her lip she saw a little bit of blood, "Nice punch but..................... I'm done playing around."

Akira sent a strong punch at the leader causing him to stagger backwards as delinquent number one tried to punch her keyword tried as she grabbed his wrist using his momentum to throw him against the wall. The leader grabbed her hair from behind but Akira threw her head back hitting him the nose with her head as she kicked him wear the sun doesn't shine before grabbing his head and kneeing him in the gut before sending a punch to his face knocking him out cold. Hearing a glass break Akira quickly turned around to see that delinquent number one broke a glass bottle before charging her with it, she jumps back dodging the enraged swipes of the broken bottle. 'I need to time this right or I could get seriously injured,' she thought waiting for the right moment when he attacked again Akira quickly got a hold of his right wrist which was holding the broken glass bottle before twisting his arm behind his back as he quickly let go of the bottle because of the pain.

"Oi take your friend and leave before I dislocate this one's arm!" Akira threatened as she saw that Stan was doing okay but he was still a little beaten up when delinquent number two turned around he was surprised that his boss was knocked out cold and his friend was being threatened of getting his right shoulder dislocated by Akira. Quickly nodding his head he saw Akira push his friend towards him and their unconscious friend before high tailing out of the alleyway from the scary female as they dragged their unconscious boss. Seeing that they dropped a pack she grabbed it and grinned at Stan, "Now let us go pay the goths a visit," as she and Stan left the alleyway until they arrived near the school before they reached the goths hang out. Entering the goths hang out she throw the pack at the black curly haired goth as it hit him in the face when he and the others didn't notice her presence. "I got you your stuff now what?" Akira questioned.

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