Chapter 2

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"Oh my God! Defensive positions!" Cartman commanded as he left the war tent with Kira who was follow right behind. "Man the gate! Don't let them through!" the Grand Wizard ordered.

A blonde elf stepped foreword, "Give us the Stick, humans!" he demanded.

"Fuck you, drow elf! Come and get it!" Cartman taunted, "CLYDE! GUARD THE STICK OF TRUTH WHILE WE DEFEND THE FORTRESS!"

"Aye, aye!" Clyde answered saluting to Cartman before leaving to guard the Stick.

""Aye, aye?" We're not playing PIRATES, Clyde!!" Cartman yelled, he turned to Kira, "Douchebag, this is your chance to prove yourself. HOLD OFF THE ASSHOLE ELVES AT ALL COSTS!!!" Kira saw a kid hitting a cat with his wooden sword, 'Oh hell no!' she thought angrily as Kira punched the elf in the face but he had backup after she threw the punch, she got hit in the face by an arrow. "You're wounded, Douchebag! Potions will heal you! Here!" Cartman stated the obvious that she was hurt by giving Kira a bag of cheesy poofs. Eating the cheesy poofs, the scratch on her face was instantly healed, "The rules say you can have one potion every turn. I asked for five but this was the compromise," Cartman explained. "This guy's fast, Douchebag. Try to block all his attacks, Cartman advised. An elf wearing a bicycle helmet hit Kira's left shoulder causing her to grunt in pain as she blocks his second attack, "Well, if this job doesn't work out, at least you've got a future as a training dummy. Come on, get it right," Cartman made fun of Kira for not blocking all of her opponents attacks. Kira blocked all of the bicycle wearing elf's attacks, "Okay, if you block all the attacks you get a counterattack," Cartman informed as she brings her left leg back and sends a powerful kick at her opponent's stomach. Knocking the wind out of him she swings her sword at him knocking him unconscious, his companion shot three arrows at Kira who blocked all of the arrows. Gripping her sword tightly Kira accidentally lit her sword on fire as she finished her final opponent, surprising those who saw her sword on fire, "Great job, Douchebag," Cartman praised.

Seeing Scott get his ass kicked by a black haired elf, Kira marched over there and pushed the elf away from Scott, "Why don't you pick someone your own size!" Kira growled, her eyes slightly turned into a swirl of orange and yellow.

"What are you waiting for, Douchebag? That guy's just standing there. Go kick his ass!" Cartman ordered as Kira was about to slash her sword at her opponent, he surprised her by sending a powerful hit at her right leg, she had to bite her lip because of how painful it was. "Hahaha! Aw, man, he was totally waiting for you, dude. You can't just hit him like that," Cartman informed after he was done laughing at her. 'I'm not going to listen to Cartman from now on. Unless its worth my time,' Kira thought, she saw to her left a bow and a quiver of arrows on the ground, 'If I can make it look like I'm searching for advantage point then maybe just maybe....... I can defeat these bastards.' Side stepping to her left, Kira crouched down looking like she was about to charge at them head on but she surprised the boys by quickly grabbed the bow, drawing the bowstring back and releasing the arrow as it soared toward the elf archer's face knocking him unconscious.

"Yeah, bitch! That's what you get for fucking with the Wizard King," Cartman taunted, seeing the black haired elf was ready to deflect her arrows. Kira quickly changed tactics and charged at him with her sword slashing at him with powerful hits until he was unconscious. She then races to Butters aid as she fights two elves like her battle earlier, 'Some how I have a bad feeling about this,' Kira thought as battled the two elves. Quickly finishing the two elves off she heard one of the elves call the others to retreat, "Yes! Awesome, dude! TAKE THAT, YOU ASSHOLE ELVES! Better luck next time! NANANA NAAAA NA! WE STILL CONTROL THE UNIVERSE! HA HAHAHA HAAAA HA!" Cartman taunted while dance his weird happy dance.

Clyde approached Cartman, "It's gone," he informed.

'Oh, no. I may not have known Cartman for long but he's going to blow,' Kira thought as Cartman looked at Clyde, "What?" Cartman questioned.

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