Chapter 10

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Exiting the bathroom, wearing her gothic clothing, "Let's go get the coffee they asked for," Kira told the surprised Princess Kenny.

"Wait, hold up!" Kenny stopped Kira in her tracks, "Why do you have those?" he questioned raising his eyebrow.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," Kira answered as she giggled at Kenny because he groaned annoyed that she didn't tell him. They arrived at Tweek Bros Coffee shop, entering the building Kira saw a short line toward the cash register. When she finally approached the cashier, "Can I please have one order of your coffee?" Kira put in her order.

"That will be $2.55 is your total," Mr. Tweek informed as Kira pays for her drink and leaves a tip, "Here is your coffee miss," he hands Kira the coffee.

"Thank you!" she cheerfully thanked as she and Kenny leave the coffee shop only to be stopped by a group of elves.

"Hey there she is! NEW KID!" an elf wearing a bicycle helmet yelled.

"New Kid, the Elf King has requested your presence. You can either come quietly or you can fight," an elf archer offered, "but I warn you, fighting this fight at this point is a complete waste of time and you might as well skip it and just come with us."

"I'll go with you," Kira announced surprising Princess Kenny as he tries to protest, "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine, Princess Kenny."

"You choose wisely, New Kid. Come with us," an elf told as they bound her hands in rope but she gave Kenny a reassuring smile before following the elves to their base.

Arriving at the Elven Kingdom, Kira saw a boy a few years older than her wearing a stick crown on his head. She assumed he was the Elven King, "So...... you're the new kid everyone is talking about. What's your name?" he asked.

"Why should I tell you my name when you haven't told me yours?" Kira countered smirking until on of the elves harshly pokes her with his spear for disrespecting his king, "Do that again and you'll regret it." The elf harshly pokes her again as she quickly turns around kicking the spear out of hands and slamming her foot where the sun doesn't shine causing all the boys to cringe, "Tch, I warned you," Kira told in a sing song voice before she returned her attention to the Elf King, "Why am I here?"

Calmly raising from his throne, he approached her but maintained a safe distance away from Kira, "You're PLAYING FOR THE WRONG SIDE, dude," the Elf Kind informed, "What did Wizard fat ass tell you? That we broke the rules and took the Stick last night? He's lying."

"Cartman is one you should be fighting against. He's hiding the Stick -which is cheating- and acting all betrayed and sad to get YOU to recruit more people for him," a guard wearing a blue helmet with a red feather told her.

"We tracked a Twitter raven who says you are currently trying to recruit the goths for the wizard. Go recruit them. But bring them to US. Then we can ransack Cartman's stupid kingdom and get the Stick back once and for all," the Elf Kind undid the binds on her wrist as Kira gently rubbed her sore wrists before returning to his throne. "I'm trusting you to do what's right. And kid...... if you betray us, we'll tell EVERYONE you're a butthole," the Elf King threatened.

"H-hey le-leave her alone! It's nice to see you again Kira," Jimmy defended Kira as he walks up to Kira giving her smile.

Kira deadpanned at the Elf King's threat, "Seriously, is that the best you can do? Even if you did I wouldn't care what everyone thought of me," Kira informed not phased by his weak threat, "And it is good to see you also Jimmy. So do you mind telling me the Elf King's name along with the guy with the blue helmet?"

"Th-the Elf King's name is Ky-Kyle and the blue he-helmet's name is Stan," Jimmy answered.

Sending Jimmy a smile of gratitude before she harshly glared at Kyle and Stan, "I will help you fight Cartman because he's been rude to me since day one. But I still don't want to join you because of the friends I have made at Kupa Keep," Kira informed glaring sharply at the two people who are asking her to betray her new friends.

Before one of the elves could say a mean comment, Kyle stood up from his throne after hearing what Kira had to say, "We respect your loyalty to your friends, Kira and if those bonds are broken because of us, you have every right to hate us and try to mend them. But if you plan on double crossing us than there will be severe consequences," Kyle informed.

"I don't plan on double crossing unless you gave me a reason to," Kira told as her eyes turned into a swirl of orange and yellow intimidating Kyle slightly.   

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