She smiled softly before dipping her head back down and splashing more water onto her face. When she opened her eyes this time, however, Hellen did not see the peaceful scene as before.

Her eyes widened as she yelled out, seeing a stranger dressed in all black wearing only a mask.

The same mask her last attacker had worn.

Her scream awoke Tywin with a startle as he witnessed the black figure rush his wife. She stepped to the left just in time to miss the dagger that lunged for her stomach.

"Guards! Guards!"

Tywin bellowed out as he climbed out of bed with such a quickness for a man his age it was unbelievable. Tywin rushed for his sword that he kept close to the bed all while Hellen was rushed again, but this time grabbed the mask man by the wrists as he slammed her into the marble pillar.

"Who are you!"

She screamed kicking him best she could while keeping the dagger away from her body. The man said nothing, merely hissing and grunting as he attempted to plunge the steely blade into the side of her throat.


Tywin yelled out rushing the attacker with his sword. It was only when the masked man grabbed Hellen just right and swung her around to face Tywin, did he stop his attack.

Hellen gasped and attempted to claw at the man who held her, blade to her throat now. Tywin's burning gaze could have set the man on fire, bursting into flames, if only that was true enough.

"Release her."

He ordered. The man didn't say or make a motion to do as Tywin ordered.

So there they stood, Tywin and Hellen both naked as the day they were born, in a stand off against someone who was trying to kill her. And it was painfully obvious to all of them as the seconds ticked away.

The guards weren't coming.

"I won't say it again."

Tywin growled. The intent to kill was radiating from him. If he had his opening, he would surely take it.

"You will listen closely, Lannister."

The man finally spoke. His voice deep. Someone into their years of age from the sound of it. Hellen stood there and inhaled deeply, grasping on to the man's arm tightly, blade pressed against her neck.

"You give my master what they wish and the girl lives."

He threatened. Tywin's gaze flickered between the masked man and Hellen. Her eyes narrowed as she gridded her teeth and struggled again against his hold.

"Go to hell you bastard."

She managed to growl through clenched teeth which lead to the hold against her throat tightening. She whined, grasping for air as his forearm put more pressure against her airway.

"Careful, girl, you are in no room to speak."

"Release her and we will discuss your master's wishes in the proper manner."

Tywin spoke out, attempting to put the attention back on him. The man through the mask peered at Tywin, a smirk coming to his lips viewable through the half mask he wore.

"You still believe you're in control. What powers does a naked man have? A naked man whose woman is being held by a knife. No, Lannister, you listen to me -- "

The man grunted at the end. The wind knocked out of him as Hellen took her elbow and plowed it into his ribs while he was distracted by Tywin. She managed to break free of his hold and drop out of the way giving Tywin the opportunity to charge forward with his sword.

Swinging the blade Tywin attempted to drop it through the man's skull but missed when he lifted his own small blade upward. Jumping back, the man turned on his heels and escaped through the open window, jumping.

Tywin's eyes widened as he raced for the window and peered out seeing nobody and no trace of the attacker.


Tywin yelled turning around and seeing Hellen holding her throat. Blood slipped through her fingers from her escape. The blade had nicked the skin, but nothing more.

"Hellen are you alright?"

Tywin questioned quickly as he came to her side with her nightgound that was discarded not far from her. She gasped and slipped it over her head, tears slipping from the corners of her eyes from the terror that shook through he body.

"Why did the guards not come! Where were the guards Tywin!"

She cried seeing the shocked look upon his face. It seemed he did not have the answers, nor did he have the answer as to how the man had managed to get into their chambers without anyone knowing.

Regardless, he now knew somewhat like this assassin looked and sounded like. It was time to take action.

It was time for these childish games to come to an end.

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