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December 21, 2119, it has been one hundred years since Christian, and I had our wedding in Immoryion. A lot has happened since then, so many good things and a few extremely sad ones. They say time heals all wounds, but it sure does take a long time to get past the death of your parents, even for an immortal.

Walking out of our village, I heard the sound of laughter before I spotted Christian standing in the meadow, his hands on his hips as a smile on his face. John and Lena lounged on the grass as Lena tucked little flowers into his hair. Bridget and Jaxton sat on a couple of boulders near them all, their eyes in the same direction Christian was looking.

"Good morning," I said once I reached them all.

"Good morning, Sammy." Christian kissed the top of my head. 

"Hey, Sam, you want to go into town later today, get some grub shopping done?" John asked.

"Sure." I smiled.

Though we all moved into Immoryion, we still made trips into our home realm from time to time. We went on dates, went to movies, did shopping. We were smart about it though, and would only go to the same place a few times so that they didn't remember our faces when we went back years later looking the same. It was a good thing that our little piece of Idaho was surrounded by other cities in which we could do our shopping.

"Aunt Sammy!" A little girl with blonde hair and hazel eyes shrieked and ran at me full speed, nearly knocking me down.

"Luna!" I grunted as I steadied myself. "Good morning."

"Luna, what did we say about aunt Sammy?" Jax said.

"Aunt Sammy is grumpy in the morning, sorry daddy." She glanced over at him. 

"I am not grumpy in the morning." I sneered.

A little boy plopped down on the grass near us, his dark blue eyes looking up at me as he shook out bits of grass from his brown hair, "Yes you are, aunt Sammy."

"Liam, when have I ever been grumpy in the morning?" I asked.

He smirked, "You seem pretty grumpy right now."

John busted up laughing, which made Christian laugh and his booming, contagious laugh got the rest of them going. I crossed my arms, "Well, you twins are mean to aunt Sammy."

"Kids will be kids, Samantha," Jax said around a laugh.

"Incoming," Christian said as two more children came running up to us. 

Kace came to an easy stop next to Christian, while Addison came rocketing in, tripped and fell onto Liam. She raised her green eyes to him, narrowing her eyebrows and stuck out her tongue. 

"You be nice to my mommy, Liam Rye or I will have my sister strike you down!" She shouted.

"Addison, do you remember what mom and dad said? Charlotte can't 'strike people down'." Kace said, shaking his head at his little sister.

"I don't see why not." She shoved Liam before standing up, stumbling a bit. "I think she can do anything she wants to do, which means she can strike him down. She's just busy, right momma?" Her green eyes looked up at me and I tucked her long blonde hair behind one of her ears.

"We've talked about this."

She crossed her arms and stomped over to Christian, who tugged at a piece of her hair, "Why don't you kids go play tag?" He offered and Addison perked right up.

"I'm it!" She shouted and then glared at Liam, "You better run, Liam, or I'll tag you!"

With that, all the kids took off running around the meadow again. I held Christian's hand as we watched our two wild and amazing children run around, fairies and butterflies joining in as well. My other hand caressed my largely pregnant belly as words filled my mind, "I love you, momma." Charlotte whispered.

The End

The Question Is... Am I Immortal? (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now