Chapter Eight

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Christian and I sat in silence as we drove back to the Rye's house, my mind whirling over everything that had happened, from the wondrous cottages to the very strange Gugruk to the story of Zazor and Alec. 

"Christian," I said, breaking the silence.


"Why did Yukur call Immoryion a realm?"

"You caught that, huh?" He smiled, "Well, there have been rumors that this entire place is in fact a realm. Which would explain how something of this magnitude hasn't been discovered. It took the ancients a long time of active searching to stumble on this place."

"What do you believe? Realm or not?"

"I believe the rumors. It makes sense. The pitch-black entrance that makes you doubt yourself and feel as if you will be lost forever if you make a single mistake, that enchanting ass door." He shrugged. "It seems like a portal to the realm."

"When Yukur had called Immoryion a realm, it felt right with me, as if I knew what it was the entire time." 

"You do have 'Super Intuition'" Christian winked at me. "I'd go with your gut feeling any day."

"Thanks." I smiled, "Hey, why do all the ogres have strange names besides Oli?"

"You think their names are strange? I think they are pretty cool. Oli is a name he chose to go by since its shorter than his given name, Oligrok." He glanced at me then back at the road, "His mother, Olireg, passed away during childbirth and his father, Braxigrok, died from illness. Oli was raised by his grandmother, Yukur, and the rest of the village."

"When did they find out that he was going to be their leader?"

"When he was born, Oli's entire body glowed and the Goddess spoke to the minds around him declaring him the leader until he dies, then a new heir will take his place."

"Jax can glow." I blurted, and Christian's eyes shot to me.

"He can?"

"Yeah, when he is centering himself to talk to the Goddess, his entire body, plus his necklace, glows."

"Do you know why the leader's glow?" He asked then and I shook my head, "It is because the Goddess glows. Whenever she comes to visit you, or whenever you see her in your mind, she has a glow. We all may be blessed by her, but the leaders are a part of her."

"So, Jax..."

"Is a part of her, he is a leader. A leader of what though, that I don't know."

The rest of the car ride was spent with us wracking our minds, trying to understand why Jax glowed. Though, I assumed that we used that as an excuse to not think about Erik and that fact that he has made a home in an old prison right under our noses.

It wasn't long before we were knocking on the Rye's door and John opened it, standing with a smile on his face.

"Took you long enough." He winked.

Shut up, John. I shot to him and he laughed.

"Well, come on in." He stepped back, his hand still on the door.

Christian and I ducked under his arm and entered the room where April sat, reading a book and Jax was nowhere to be found. He was probably up in his bedroom, still hurting and fully hating me.

The Question Is... Am I Immortal? (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now