Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Guys, you remember Lena," John said, urging us to be nice with his eyes.

April stood and straightened out her shirt before extending a hand to Lena. "Hello, I am April Rye, welcome to my home."

"Thank you." She said quietly, was she nervous as well?

Though the room was silent now, and everyone had straight faces, Lena remained to smile. She ran a shaking hand through her thick hair.

"What did you want to talk about?" John asked her.

"Would it be okay if I sat first?" She asked him

Jax rose from the chair and nodded towards her, "You can sit here."

"Thank you." She looked as if she wanted to curtsey, but instead settled on a simple nod and sat in the seat.

Jax leaned against the wall, his eyes glued to her as skepticism clouded his face. It was something I understood as I too was wary of her and this situation.

"Where do I start?" She fidgeted, clearly uncomfortable under all of our stares, "Firstly, I want to apologize on behalf of my dad, Erik Port." 

Everyone in the room stiffened, we all knew who her father was, but hearing it didn't make it any better.

"Can I tell you all a story?"

"Go ahead." John nodded at her.

She clasped her hands in her lap and kept her eyes low as she began to speak, "My parents were both mortals, and my mom died giving birth to me twenty-three years ago. My dad was so brokenhearted that he vowed to never let his child die, he promised he would find a way to keep his daughter alive forever." She shook her head, "His family had always been obsessed with tracking downtime travelers, so he knew that immortality was a possibility for us, and after years of searching, he finally found a way to turn him and myself immortal. I have been eighteen for five years and this was not the life I had wanted, I wanted to live and die, not be stuck in time forever."

She became quiet then, and I glanced around the room, everyone still had their eyes on her. The only person who did not look the least bit nervous about her presence was John. Instead, he seemed sympathetic for her story, he seemed like he wanted to hold her and tell her that everything was going to be okay. He truly cared for this woman.

"Since he changed me, I became resentful and drifted away from him. I kept tabs on him though, since he was my father and I still loved him a bit. Immortality boosted his hatred for travelers, changing his mind and creating the evil man he turned into." Her soft sigh filled the air, "I am a potions master, the Goddess has blessed me in it, and I have been searching for a way to change myself back to normal, ridding myself of this unending life."

"Were you able to do it?" John asked.

She nodded, "I had a vial I suspected would have the ability to change me back, but it went missing and I suspected my father took it."


"I was curious too, so I tracked him down and confronted him. He admitted to stealing it and began to try to get me back on his side by telling me that he was going to finally take out the last known travelers. He then told me that he gave the vial to an immortal who would sneak into your realm and pretend to be an ally. The man was supposed to empty the vial into Jax's drink, and once he was mortal he was to kill him."

"That didn't happen," Jax mumbled, his face becoming angry. "Who was this man?"

"I'm not sure who he was, but he gave it to the wrong man." She said, "He wasted the only vial I had been able to create."

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