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My mom sat on the couch with a few bridal magazines around her, yellow post-it notes tuck out of the pages she wanted to mark. I sat next to her on the couch and pulled my legs to my chest.

"Hey, honey." She said, flipping through her magazine.

"Mom, would you be mad if I wanted to put a rush on the wedding?"

Her eyes shot up, "Why?"

I shrugged, "I want to marry Christian already, I want to be his wife and I don't want to wait a year or even months." I rested my head on my knees, looking over at her.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel rushed or anything."

"I'm sure, mom. Christian is the man I want to marry, and I want to do it as soon as possible, I want to be Samantha Ann Hayes."

Tears welled up in her eyes and she nodded at me, "Okay, baby girl. I will plan the most spectacular wedding, give me at least a month, okay?"

"Thanks, mom." I leaned over and kissed her cheek before getting up and going to my room.
I knew that I should be more involved with the wedding prep, I mean it was my wedding after all, but I was not much of a party planner. Sure, I can plan a set up like no other, but a party or even a wedding at that? I just didn't have the eye for it, and I knew that my mom would do a much better job.

Just as I was about to toss myself onto my bed, it dawned on me that I needed to talk to John and Lena about helping me turn Christian immortal. Quickly, I pulled out my cellphone and called John.

"Sammy, Sammy" He answered.

"Hey, do you think I can talk with you and Lena soon?"

"Sure, but why?"

"Well, this is going to sound crazy, but I need a vial of immortality."

He was quiet for a second, "Why?"


"Wait! Is it for Chris?"


"It is! Oh shit! He wants to be immortal with you! Dude, he has so much game, that is so incredibly romantic. Are you fawning all over him or what?" He was half shouting and half laughing from excitement.

"Can Lena get me a vial or not?" I smiled and shook my head.

"Yeah, of course, she can. I'll call her, but I'm sure she can get it to me by the end of the day."

"That early, huh?"

"What's up, Sam? Cold feet? Don't want the other half of your peanut butter and jelly sandwich to become immortal?"

"What does that even mean?"

"You're the peanut butter and he's the jelly. You two are perfect together. See what I did there? I'm literally the best."

"Oh, John." I shook my head but ended up giggling, "Call me when you get it, please."

"For sure, peanut."

"Bye, John."

"Bye, butter."

With a laugh, I ended the call and then called Chris who answered after the fourth ring.

The Question Is... Am I Immortal? (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now