Chapter Twenty-Six

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The inside of the central building was made of stone, just like the outside and it was completely empty besides a spiral staircase in the middle.

"I can tell by your face that you are confused." Asteria said and I nodded. "Before humans became our keepers, there was simply a round hole in the ceiling there which continues all the way up to the top floor, to allow us access to the other floors. We have since then added in a staircase so that our human keepers may also enjoy the many levels."

"Many levels?"

"Yes. There are one hundred floors, and each is different. The top ten floors are for royalty and the very top is where we hold our meetings."

I gulped, "So, are we going to the hundredth floor to talk?" My legs ached at the thought.

"Oh, no! I will not even ask that of you!" She giggled. "We are only going up to the fourth floor, as suggested by Christian."

"What floor is that?" I asked, looking over at my smiling fiancé.

"You shall see." Erity chimed, her excitement evident on her face.

With a nod, Christian and I followed the two enchanting fairies to the stairs, where they simply floated up. By the time we reached the third flight, I could feel a dull ache in my legs, thankfully we weren't going further like our meeting place in the tree.

The smell of old books hit my nose before I saw the next floor and I beamed. With a pep in my step, I quickly climbed the last of the steps and emerged onto the fourth floor and my eyes went crazy bouncing from one bookshelf to the other. This floor was completely filled with hundreds upon hundreds of bookshelves cluttered with thousands of books. 

Forgetting I was in the company of two fairies and my fiancé, I practically floated to the nearest shelf and let my hands run along the spines of the books. I had never heard of any of these books and I couldn't help but wonder if they were created by the creatures in this realm.

"You were right, Christian. She loves it." Asteria spoke softly.

Her voice brought me back to reality and my cheeks flushed with color, I ran a hand through my slightly knotted hair and I smiled, "This place is really great."

"Thank you. It took a long time to grow it to this extent."

"I believe that." I nodded and took another look around the large room.

"Shall we sit and talk?" She asked, and we nodded.

My eyes remained glued to the books as I followed the three of them to a nearby table. When we were all seated, I pulled my eyes away and back to the fairies.

"What is it that you wanted to discuss, Christian?"

"Well," He took my hand, "Samantha and I are getting married and we would love to have a wedding in this realm. Since the fairies are next in command if Keepers suddenly cease to exist, I figured it would be best if I asked for your permission."

Erity and Asteria's matching smiles were stunning, "Of course you can Christian!" Asteria's wings fluttering quickly. "Leave it all up to me, I will take care of it all."

"Asteria, I couldn't possibly leave all of that on you, you are busy as is."

"You will leave it up to me, I promise you that this will be such a needed and happy distraction."

Christian was quite a moment, thinking about her offer and with a sigh of defeat, he nodded at her.

"Excellent!" Asteria nearly shouted. "Samantha, I would like to get your measurements, I want to make you a wedding gown."

"Asteria..." I began but was quickly cut off.

"Do not say no, this is no problem and it will be absolutely gorgeous."

"There really is no disagreeing with Asteria, she always gets her way." Erity giggled.

"Well in that case." I shrugged, "I really appreciate all of this."

"We are glad to be of use, I am simply over the moon about your engagement." She got up from her chair, her feet hovering a few feet from the stone floor. "Now, let us go two floors up and get your measurements."

"More stairs?" I internally groaned and she laughed.

After nearly two hours of being measured and having fabric shoved in my face to see if it matched my skin tone, —which by the way, they all looked white to me—I was walking down the large staircase with Christian, leaving an excited Asteria with a heaping pile of fabrics. I had to admit, I was excited to see what she would come up with for both the dress and the wedding.

Christian held my hand tightly as we declined the spiral staircase, the smile on his face seeming permanently glued there. I was mostly excited to marry him.

We walked past the two tigers at the front gate, their low growl had me speed walking past them until we had cleared the bridge and was safely in the forest again. 

"I didn't know there were that many shades of white," I said, craning my neck to look up at the blue sky as we strode down a dirt path.

"Me either." He chuckled, "I'm sure whatever she creates will be beautiful though."

"I think so too."

"So, there is one last stop I want to make before we head home, are you okay with that?"

"Are you kidding me? I would willingly go anywhere in this realm."

"How about the Thysdell Kingdom where the elves live?"

I stopped walking, "I remember you saying you got the okay, but I didn't think we would be going this soon."

"Do you not want to?"

"No! That's not it! I want to see the Elven kingdom more than anything. I'm just caught off-guard, that's all. I'm good now. Let's go!"

"Are you sure? I mean, we can always just go another day, I'll just have to reschedule."

"Christian!" I pouted.

His straight face broke and he beamed, "Okay, okay. Let's go."

"Yes!" I began to quickly walk away and then came to a stop when I realized that I had no idea where I was going. With a pink to my cheeks, I turned and fully accepted the teasing from my fiancé.

Christian linked arms with me and together, with him leading, we walked off the dirt path and into the dense forest.

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