Chapter Twenty

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I woke up late the next morning, and lounged around my room, excited for the date tonight with Christian and when it was finally time to get ready, I was hopping off my bed and running to my bathroom to shower.

"What to wear?" I said aloud, staring at the clothes, wearing nothing but a bra and panties.

I had accumulated a decent amount over my eighteen years of life, but some reason, none of them seemed special enough for a date with Christian Hayes. I rummaged around, literally tossing every item onto my bed until I stumbled across a red dress, I had bought a years ago because it was on sale.

I took the dress out of the closet and looked it up and down, wondering if it would do. I had never worn it since it seemed a little too over the top for everyday wear and I never been to a formal event. I stepped into the dress, sliding the zipper up over my back and then went to the full-length mirror.

For a dress that had never left my closet for years, it sure did fit nicely. It showed off my legs and hourglass figure yet was not too revealing, and the fabric was very comfortable.

"This will definitely do." I nodded to myself and then started on my hair.

After an hour, I was fully dressed, heels, accessories, my makeup was as perfect as I could get it and I left my hair down. After spinning a few times in the mirror, looking at myself from multiple angles, I decided that I looked pretty, and I even impressed myself by it. I walked out of my room and stood at the top of the stairs, my mom was sitting on the couch and Jonathan was in the kitchen cleaning up their dinner.

"Hey, mom? Do you have a jacket that would go good with this outfit?" I asked, I wanted to look cute, but I also didn't want to freeze out there.

My mom looked up and her mouth literally fell open as she stared at me. It took her a second, but she managed to close her mouth and speak, "In my closet is a black coat, it nips in at the waist but flares out at the hips, I think that it would look wonderful with your dress." She said, smiling up at me. "You look so beautiful, Sammy." She said.

"Thanks, mom." I smiled and head off to her closet to retrieve the coat.

Once I was completely ready, I sat on my bed with my handbag on my lap and the coat next to me. It was not long before I heard the doorbell ring and my mom was calling my name from the living room. Feeling nervous, I took a deep breath and got to my feet, the heels made clicking noises with each step, but each click was just my body moving closer to the man of my dreams. 

When I began to decline the steps, my mom, Jonathan, and Christian were all standing there staring up at me. I had my coat draped over my arm, my handbag in my left hand as my right hand gripped the banister, keeping me from falling.

My eyes gazed upon Christian as my body slowly moved closer, he was wearing a black suit that fit his body nicely. His blond hair as combed and his green eyes were glued to me as his lips smiled. When my heels connected with the linoleum of our entryway, my mom put her hands to her mouth.

"You are so stunning." She said.

"You really are," Jonathan said.

"Samantha." Christian smiled and extended his hand towards me.

I walked over to him and took his hand, he spun me around in a small circle before pulling me in for a hug. I was worried that my mom would notice that I was moving without pain since as far as she knew, my stomach was still healing, but she was so sidetracked by how we looked that she didn't even notice. Christian took my coat and helped me into it before taking my hand again and leading me outside.

The Question Is... Am I Immortal? (Book Three)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant