Maid Café Secret

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(If you want to know if there'll be a book two, stay tuned and read the credits!) (also, sorry for the very VERY creative title. Thank you, Thank you. I try)

I am LOW-KEY crying my eyes out Y~Y! I am seriously so sad to finish this fiction and wish I can keep going, but sadly things have to end.

Now the question all of you are wondering; Is there going to be a second book?

And to that I say, possibly. I've been thinking about it, and have it stuck in my mind to do it, but I have so many other Fanfictions I want to write that I am currently preparing to publish and fully comitt to writing (plus the plan of editing/revising ALL of Many Emotions chapters, a Fanfiction I have long since ended.) So, with about a few months, maybe after Summer (don't quote me on this) I'll write the 2nd book…

But just a quick poll…What do you want to see in the 2nd book? (Them in college, after life in college, drama, more ships,etc…) let me know if you have an idea!

(I will keep you guys posted either on here or on my profile about what I should name the book, or the release date, really anything. Just stay tuned + posted!!)

Also, what do you guys think about me deleting all of the non chapters in this fic? Did you guys enjoy them? Pleaseet me know! I am torn between deleting them so the readers don't have to bare with the chapters not being real updates on the story.)

Special Credits:

Maid~Sama (Kaichou wa Maid Sama!) for giving me the inspiration to write this fanfiction.

Hiro Mashima for being an awesome creator. Without him, this fanfiction wouldn't have been written without his amazing characters we all know and love.

And, last but not least: YOU GUYS! Thanks so much for supporting me and this story! Words can't express how happy I am that so many of you vote and read my stories. At first, I thought I wouldn't have gotten this far cause I am super prone to giving up and forgetting about something I am doing. So without your encouraging words and wildly awesome support, I would have probably deleted my account and had a laugh at how stupid my writings were. If I could, I would most definetley shout all of you out, but because I don't want to spend an entire day doing so I won't be doing that. But you know who you are for being so awesome, so give yourself a pat on the back!

I am especially grateful that some of you encouraged me to continue this story awhile back when I fell into Writing Hell; Writers Block. Thank you so much for telling me to continue! I honestly had so much fun writing this fanfiction!

Just because this one is ending, doesn't mean I am not going to be writing anything else. If your a Gruvia Lover and obsseser like me, I have 1 fanfiction you can read and many more in mind! Give them a try if you like my writing. And, I also have a Jerza fanfiction in mind. As for Nalu and Gajevy, I'll possibly come around to writing a story about those ships.

Here is the thing I have in my profile description if your interested in any of my fanfictions:

--»» Ongoing:
ღ Gruvia Comics & More!

--»» Completed:
ღ Many Emotions (A Gruvia Fanfiction)
ღ Maid Café Secret (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *This one*

--»» Next up on the list:
ღ A Gruvia Fanfiction (School AU, title a secret)
ღLeaving Hurts, Hate Burns, Love Heals (A Gruvia Fanfiction)
ღTitania (Heather's The Musical - Fairy Tail Edition) (Jerza FF I was talking about)

Again, thank you oh so much! I am most definetley going to miss writing this fanfiction.

And, for the last time ever:

Maid Café Secret (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now