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Dear Diary,

     Lets start off with a little introduction… I'm Lucy Heartfilia, proud owner of this new diary. I'm 17 years old, almost 18, and today I'll be graduating from Highschool.

     All of these years when we were here are ending. As history had graduation go, we won't be coming back. A new chapter in our lives start…  That chapter would be college..
     College actually scares me. No, its not just the torturous classes we have to take in order to get a degree, its the thought of not being with my friends… Everyone goes to a different college, its not like Highschool where you automatically have friends to be with, you have to make new ones. That is the part which scares me most.

     Its hard to tell myself that even though I may be miles apart from my friends, we'll still be close friends as we were in this school. I still feel like crying, breaking down with the thought of being away from them, my Mom, my boyfriend…Even when I am sitting here alone in a classroom in my graduation gown, I can't stop the tears trickling down my face.

A knock brought Lucy's attention away from her writing, she looked up as she wiped away a tear.

Where the sound of the knock took place was at the door to the classroom, at it was Lucy's friends - Levy the cause of the knock.

They were standing there in their gowns, Erza leaning on the doorframe with a soft smile spread on her face, Levy leaning her body on the door while Juvia stood there with a sweet smile.

"Lucy….Your late again…." Levy says in annoyance, though she isn't that annoyed.

Lucy sniffs sneakily, though not too sneaky, standing up as she closes her diary. "Sorry…I just was writing."

The girls who are leaning against something stop as they walk up to Lucy. Erza is the first to hug her, then Levy, and lastly Juvia.

Lucy lets more tears slip as she embraces Erza, squeezing her tightly against herself as she sobbed. She couldn't hide it, her friends always knew when she was crying.

     I love my friends….even if one of them forgets about me, I'll be sad. Though, the possibility is unlikely. Why would they forget all the fun we've had…our after school hang outs, baking together, going on girls nights, working at the Maid Café….
     Which reminds me….the Maid Café. With us going off to college possibly ways away, we'll have to quit. Which pains me…the Maid Café is basically a piece of my life, my memories.. Yajima told us that its fine if we quit, he understood completely how college drains you. But, if we quit there was on condition. After college, we were to return and say Hi. Yajima wouldn't force us to work there again, he even said the offer would still stand if we really wanted to, he just really loved us working at the Café and would love to have us back.
     Hana and Tania were surprisingly emotional when we returned our Maid outfits, Hana especially. Hana was actually a big influence on me, her sweet attitude and bubbly personality really struck me. As for Tania? I saw a tear fall. A TEAR from Tsundere Tania? Please. But I wasn't mistaken. Both of them gave us their numbers for us to stay in touch just in case we needed any help or advice. And get this, even after hugging for literally an hour, both Tania and Hana texted us a minute after we left that they already missed us.

Erza stroked Lucy's hair as the girl silently sobbed. "I know how hard it is for you, Lucy…I know…"

Lucy pulled back as she let go of Erza, wiping tears off her face with a smile. "I just can't help it…we're leaving."

Levy nodded as she frowned. "Just look on the brightside! Its over…"

     Its quite funny…because most days in the past I just wished school was over with and done for, now looking back I wish it was that time again so I could cherish it more. It really is funny to me, now I just really wish it didn't come so soon…
     As surprising as it sounds…I'm going to miss this school. The teachers were awesome. Mrs. Strauss, or otherwise known as Mrs Dreyar, Mr. Dreyar, Ms. Quinn, Makarov - our principal… I'm going to miss all of them.

Maid Café Secret (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें