Meeting The Past (Prt. 2)

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Here it is! Sorry for the long wait!

Video of the day is this one: I LOVED this so much, my Gruvia heart exploded! I cried a little too.

And I got something to say.. Since I am a hardcore Gruvia shipper I can find videos that I like in a snap of my finger. As for the other ships, idk why, it takes forever to find stuff for it. So I am so sorry if your annoyed that I choose more Gruvia things over the other ships. But I promise you! I'll add a little something at the end for you Nalu, Gajevy, or Jerza lovers ;)

Anywho, enjoy!


The teens crammed into Mrs. Heartfillia's car with said woman behind the wheel, Lucy in the front seat with the window rolled all the way down and her head sticking out, scanning for her missing friends.

In the middle seat sat Natsu and Levy with an empty seat between them. In the very back was Juvia, Meredy on her lap asleep while Juvia continued to cradle the sleeping girls head. Gajeel sat on the other side just encase the young pinkette woke up and saw his face. That left Gray who was in the middle, awkwardly staring off into space having no where else to look.

The teens were all on a look for red scarlet like hair, blue hair and an even darker shade of purple hair. They also tried looking for their ordinary plain school outfits.

"Ugh. Where could they be?" Lucy said under her breathe, sitting down fully and not sticking her head out the window. Her bangs blew everywhere as she still was on the look out, her arms folded and brows furrowed.

Layla knew that look on her daughters face. Though, she didn't see it face to face, all she had to do is look at the reerview mirror on Lucy's side to see her face in anger. Layla's long blonde hair blew everywhich way too as she scanned the sidewalk on her side. "Is everyone looking?"

"Yup." Levy stuck her head out, finding the best and fastest way to find them. "Erza! Jellal!? Kaguraaaa!?"

Gajeel followed in her lead, rolling down his window. "Aye blueberry! Show your self with that strawberry friend of yours!" Fruits wasn't the best way to go, but atleast he was trying….

Juvia scanned as well, choosing not to call out in fears of waking her sister on her lap. Her waking up was a bad idea.

Juvia only hoped Jellal and Erza had Kagura safe and sound.


Sometime into running after her sister and trailing behind her, Erza realized where she was. Scanning her head around, she noticed a familiar looking house she saw everyday walking home…. And another, and that free yard with just grassy plains where people could run in.

Kagura was running home.

Erza would have stopped if she could and just meet her sister at home, but Erza could be wrong with the 'She's going home' theory. Kagura could easily run to another place. Though Erza would die to stop and catch a breathe, hours of chasing and not stopping, her feet were very sore.

"What's on your mind?" Jellal asked as he ran as fast as her.

"Kagura's running to our house, possibly." Erza brought a hand up to her face, brushing away her long hair which was blown into her mouth as she talked and her eyes by the wind. "This is our neighborhood, but she could be running to Juvia's probably hoping to find Meredy." it was possible, the two little girls decide and do everything together. So Kagura could be finding her missing friend who also ran away from her sister.

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