The Unknown Plan

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It was a rainy Saturday evening. Rain fell in a pitter patter on the cements, making soft noises on roofs, street signs, and many other things. Puddles of water were piling in random spots in the streets, and whenever cars drove over them they would always - somehow - make huge fountains of spray.

The girls were in their Maid Outfits working their shifts, getting tons of customers who were soaked from head to toe. They were suspecting the visit of 4 specific guy friends to come to the Café, but they soon found out they wouldn't see the faces of theirs anytime soon.

Why was that? Well, they were busy, which also meant they didn't want to leave the comfort of their homes out into the rain. So, they decided not to go to the Maid Café that day, they'd make sure to text the girls and apologize later.

It was great for Jellal, cause he had a place to be.

He had one hand in the pockets of his jeans, the other holding an umbrella shielding him from the drops of rain. His feet splashed in the puddles of water he stepped in along the cement sidewalks, making his way to the place he was going. Which, he arrived to 5 minutes later.

He walked on the sidewalk until he reached the porch of a home, quickly stepping under the coverage and closing his umbrella, shaking it a bit to rid of the rain which chose not to slip off of it as he was walking. He placed it carefully as to not break it - umbrella's, though structure was 10/10, were indeed very fragile - by the door, propping it up against the wall. With both his hands unoccupied, he ran one through his blue locks as the other knocked on the solid object in front of him.

He heard feet against a wood floor, running towards the door as the knob was being a struggle to open from inside, but soon it opened to show Kagura who was in her nightgown even though it was 5pm.

Her face furrowed at seeing the man, she leaning against the door as her face dropped. "If you're looking for Erza, she's at work." she said coolly, and in an uninterested-to-see-you look.

"I'm not. I am actually looking for you." Jellal replied as his coy smile flashed to Kagura.

"Me? Why?"

"We need to talk." Jellal answered.

"About what?" this conversation really was going nowhere if she kept pushing the talk so it was longer.

"Things, I have a favor I need to ask. And permission." Jellal explained, as a faint blush appeared on his face.

Kagura raised a brow at the color blooming in his cheeks, but shrugged it off. "Fine." she opened the door more a she stepped aside. "Come in." Jellal nodded, taking a step in before Kagura closed the door and locked it.


It was now a Monday, the weather had drastically changed over the next two days.

It was cold - a little bit too cold for anyone's liking - and with the wind softly blowing, it didn't help at all.

Sadly for the four girls, from inside their warm houses it just looked like a cool breeze, but boy were they wrong. The minute they stepped outside to start heading to school, their legs which were uncovered by their skirts were freezing cold, gaining thousands and thousands of goosebumps.

Levy, who didn't notice the cold air before she was a good 9 feet away from her home, was hit with cold and didn't want to run back to her home to get a coat, because that's a lot of work, so she just decided to deal with it. This was the same cause with Juvia, Erza and Lucy were too wimpy to try and survive the air so they went back in their homes as soon as they stepped outside and without a second minds notice.

When at school, Lisanna and Ultear were already there - though they were a few feet apart and not daring to talk - and at noticing the girls, went up to them to have their usual morning chat.

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